Today Turbine has posted another community update on their Youtube channel:
In the video Sapience thanks everyone who attended his Extralife livestream, including his gameplay on Crickhollow and Elendilmir. He also announces that Team Turbine has raised over $55,000 in donations for Extralife, their largest amount ever!
He then goes on to talk about the Player Council’s visit to Turbine’s offices, and includes small clips of a few members talking about their experience and what they learned while there.
Finally, Sapience refers to the recent NDA drop, and gives credit to the players who created class summaries for the upcoming class revamps with Helm’s Deep.
That Sapience fellow is a pretty neat person
Regardless of how we may feel about the directions and changes that are coming on an individual basis,, it is abundantly clear how much he and the overall team truly desire to give us the best possible experience they can, and that means an awful lot