Today, Lord of the Rings Online developer Turbine announced the lifting of the Non-Disclosure agreement (NDA) associated with the beta testing for their Helm’s Deep expansion. Players who have been participating in the closed beta can now freely discuss their experiences.
Be prepared for a flood of opinions and information (including on LOTRO Players!) related to Helm’s Deep. To start things off, Turbine has included a list of links to user-created class guides that go into great detail on the class changes players can expect to see in the upcoming update.
Its going to take me a while to get all 50 odd alts up and running
It looks to me like each class can still do a wide variety of things, just not at the same time like they used to. I think it will be good.
I participated in beta as my schedule allowed— the new scenery is seriously stunning! The architecture all through the new areas is gorgeous. My moderately-geared RK felt just fine, and like a familiar RK, managing the landscape mobs— unfortunately I never made it into the battles. : >