Winner has been chosen and contacted. Giveaway is closed.
Congratulations to Thorenstrom!
LOTRO Players is giving away one copy of the Helm’s Deep Premium Edition.
Experience the finale of Rohan’s Epic Story and the beginning of all-out war in Middle-earth. Launches November 18th 2013!
Premium Edition Features
Unearth the depth of Gríma Wormtongue’s treachery, unravel a mystery weaved through the war-torn Westemnet, and defend the fortress at Helm’s Deep.EXPLORE WESTERN ROHAN
Rohan’s once-serene fields are fraught with gruesome evil among roaring fires that burn the pillaged lands. Heroes are needed to stand against fell deeds in these treacherous times.ENLIST IN EPIC BATTLES
War thunders across Middle-earth! You and your fellows must charge into Epic Battles of unmatched scale and scope to save the lands of the Free Peoples. Your choices have consequences that shape the nature of each battle, but also yield amazing rewards for the worthy.REVITALIZE YOUR ROLE
Choose your path to triumph and power with new class Trait Trees and roles that are more true to the legends of Middle-earth than ever before.Helm’s Deep™ Premium Edition (Pre-Purchase) includes:
Enforcer of Helm & Avenger of Helm
Exclusive in-game Rohirrim titles2,000 Turbine Points for use in the Turbine Store
Armour of the Hammerhand
An exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armourQuest log slots: +10
Expands your maximum number of active quests by 10Crystal of Remembrance
Adds one additional legacy to your legendary weaponShield of the Hammerhand
A back-slot item with the appearance of a Rohirric pack and shield. Stats scale to your level. +25% XP gain on Monster Kills, Crafting, Quest Completions. 25% Legendary item and Mounted Combat XP.Exclusive Rohan Mount Bundle
Steed of the Hammerhand with matching War-steed appearanceYou will automatically be provided access to the full content and features of Helm’s Deep™ when it launches.
Entries will close on November 12th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the account/comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the expansion code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All LOTRO Players past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.
Help Us Have More Giveaways!
Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Monthly giveaways are funded by donations to LOTRO Players. If we do not receive enough donations to cover our costs, we can’t do giveaways.
Can’t wait for Helms Deep to launch
I really want it! Thanks for the opportunity.
It is November, at last. Soon! Soon!
Would sure feel good to win a free expansion.
I hereby submit an entry for the Monthly Giveaway. Love, Bloob.
Excited and can’t wait for the expansion
Enter me as well please. I haven’t seen this on the site yet, but Peodric on the Riddermark server did a fan-made trailer for Helms Deep. If you are interested in viewing it, its at
Helms deep
Helm’s Deep! Woohoo!
Would love to win this!
I am looking forward to this expansion.
Best of luck!
I want it!
Nice to get a chance of getting the expac, keep up the good work!
This would be sooo lovely. I so look forward to seeing Edoras again!
I’m going to have to level a character to even use this! But it will be good to have it on tap.
Looking forward to Helm’s Deep. This expansion sounds incredible! Would love to win!
Cant wait for LOTRO HD!
Good luck to all of us!
Can’t wait for Helm’s Deep!
Looking forward to this expansion – will be the first one that I am actually on level for – though still working on Rohan. Thanks for the giveaway.
I hope I win!
I would love to win this, can’t wait for HD!
Great contest! Thanks for giving us a chance to win.
Thank you for the chance!
Fingers crossed….
It’d be cool to jump into Helms Deep. I only found this site yesterday, but I really appreciate the info and contests like this!
…can’t wait for Helms Deep!
c’mon Helms Deep, we want you!
Keep up the good work
cant wait for the release!
I’m excited about Helm’s Deep. My highest lvl is 56, so I’ve got some work to reach cap, but I’m really looking forward to this one, and can’t wait to see what the new trait trees are like.
Great site! Can I have a prize?
Must… …have… …this… …precious!
Thank you for the giveaway! Can’t wait for Helm’s Deep
Can’t wait to take my hobbitses across the Entwade!
Have to join.
Thanks for this!
Helms Deep!
A chance to win Helms Deep Premium? Yes please!
Can’t wait for this
I’m in! Please please please?
Wonderful initiative! Thank you!
Would love to win this!
Oh wow, I really hope I get this! I’m looking forward to this expansion so much!
I hope I win
i want it
I’m still waffling on how to get this expansion (pre-purchase, wait for sale, use TPs, etc.) Winning a contest would make my decision much simpler.
winning this would be…amazing
Thanks a lot!
Big thanks to LotRO Players and the great community that makes this possible.
Count me in, please!
Really looking forward to seeing how the devs portray Helm’s Deep!
Can’t wait to do the Battles at Helm’s Deep
i am in alt frenzy mode right now
Am very excited for the upcoming expansion! New content, levels, and revamped skill sets 8)
Comments for Expansions! Now, if Hobbits could finally win the right to vote…
Omg can’t wait!!
Oh, I’d love to win this!
Consider this my comment – Bring on Helm’s Deep!
thanks for doing this
Hoping to win.
Thank you for the opportunity. Keep up the great work!
Ooo a contest! Entered
Thank you!
Nice! Thanks for the contest!
Can’t wait for Helm’s Deep, It’s going to be so much fun!
Thank you for a chance to win this expansion! I hope new instances are well designed and challenging!
You can count me in.
Still deciding whether to preorder, so winning a free copy might solve my dillema…
Helm’s Deep looks awesome!
Woo! Fancy!
I’m apprehensive about some of the changes they have announced but hopeful in the long run it will prove out to have been good things. I’m sure even what we see go live will still be tweaked some here and there.
I would be glad to win
I would be glad to win
(not meant as a duplicate – publish this one)
I hope to win this!:D
19 days more.. Can’t wait!!!!
I hope to have lots of fun with Helm’s Deep!
Helms Deep ,rules!!!
Rohirrim, to the King!
Turbine’s triumph approaches!
Would be great to win HD !!!
Yes please!
Thanks for the give away!
I would love to win this one!
/roll 100 100
May this be the hour when we draw swords together!!!!
Why I would love to be considered for this
Here’s hoping, but I have TP saved up anyway.
I would love to win helms deep it needs saving
Hehe lets see who wins it
Can’t wait for Helm’s Deep
Looking forward to Helm’s Deep
Sorry … We are all out of candy. All of you should try the next valley over…I think the Elves still have some.
I suppose that i should get in on this…
I would love to win this.
Good luck everyone
rohan me
I would love to with this awesome title !
*crosses fingers and hopes to win*
Putting my entry in! I’ll be glad for a new area to explore.
I’ve been a good boy all year and this would be the perfect Christmas gift for anybody!
If I haven’t already entered, I must away west, to the mountain holds of my folk!
Sure I would love to win this.
Ohhhh lords of chance, bless me!
Super excited about the new expansion!
Awesome giveaway! Hope I win!
This would be immense, Hemls Deep is the best location.
Give me
Looking forward to HD
hopefully Big Battles will be a decent addition to the game!
Nice giveaway, I would love to win this! =D
i are entering. hope to win
Yeah! Thank you very much! I hope to win because i can’t buy the game, it’s too expansive for me…
It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men. They will be here by Mid November…..
Fingers crossed. Can’t wait.
We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious HD! Tricksey Turbine’s keeping it’s from us…. Gollum!
Fingers crossed. Let’s see if I have some luck
What an awesome way to celebrate the expansion. Kudos!
Yay Helm’s Deep!
Gimme them helmsdeep
hope i win!
I would love this. I’ve really enjoyed RoR, and I’m sure HD will be just as good!
Bring on the prize!!
Good luck to the winner! Maybe i get lucky?
Very nice!
Thanks for the giveaway, I hope I win. :3
Good luck everyone!
I’m excited to see how the new skill trees will affect game play. Good luck to everyone who enters this giveaway!
Less than a month to go!
cant wait, hope to win this
I can’t wait for this to be out!
Bring it on!!
Thanks for the giveaway and the great blog!
This is going to be epic
I want to win!
Thanks for the contest!
You know what’s better than LOTRO? free LOTRO! Generous promo – thanks!
wooo great opportunity – Helms Deep here I comeee
Helm’s Deep!!! Excellent.
cool, gives a better chance than Turbine’s lotteries/contests i guess
Awfully nice of you all to do this! May the best randomly generated numeral win!
Cant wait for Helms Deep to come out Ive already preordered but will pass it to a friend if I win
Winning this would be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!
Fingers crossed for HD goodness!
thats pretty epic, very very nice!
would be nice if i win this ^ ^
Turbine can learn something from this

Lotro ftw.
I would like to free Middleearth from Orks and save my homeland Rohan
Good luck all.
Let’s hope HD is worth the wait.:)
I am sorry to all of you who thought you would win this. Its MINE.
Here’s my entry!
Looking forward to Helm’s deep!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I hope i win
The Defenders of the Deeping wall kin are on the edges of their seat in anticipation =]
Pick me! Looking forward to HD.
Hope to be lucky…
want this bad
pick me
Do want!
Helms Deep contest yay!
Fingers crossed
Cant wait Helms deep as new part of Hobbit adventure!
Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme PLEASE
the odds stink, but what the heck
GL everyone
Lotro is the only game I play and I am addicted. This is super of you to offer this chance to win this fabulous prize. Thank you.
Would be nice to have it!
This game has kept both my family and friends together as I travel the world in the military. I love everything about this game and the community it brings together!
OMG this looks amazing, i want to win!!
Ok this is my turn to win something, common fate, make me happy!
Thanks guys! Good luck to all!
I’m definitely looking forward to playing the epic story…
goodluck guys
Can’t wait for the new expansion! Long live to LOTRO and Hinulin!
Lotro ftw
Have fun storming the castle
I want helms deep, i cannot buy it for my country
I can’t wait for the Big Battle system
Cant wait to see whats in store for Helms Deep
Hopefully, won’t be able to get HD until two months after. :0 Books FTW.
At dawn, look to the East.
I won’t stop playing if I get a free copy.
I’ll start playing again if I win! Would love some new content.
Hope to play the expansion soon!
Would be EPIC! I would love to win!
Toss me!
we wants it
My axe is waiting for the moment to slice many Uruk Hai at Helm’s Deep.
Can’t wait for the new content!
Would sooo love to win. Crossing my fingers and toes.
I hope LOTRO be more fun and attractive in future
Long time player. Got all 9 alts to 85, and can’t wait for HD.
Pick me!
You are doing a wonderful work, keep it up! For the little hobbits
I want the free Helm’s Deep. Oh please, oh please, oh please!!!
Very nice giveaway!
Kind of looking forward to Helm’s Deep, but also dreading it a bit. Mostly looking forward to it, though. Just hope I get my internet fixed before it comes, or the lag will be unbearable.
Working hard on getting my hunter to 85! Can’t wait! More hairstyles? Prettyplease?
Please make a brazilian fan happy! So hard to buy this stuff around here… =)
Enter me please
This would be wonderful – enter me please
Helm’s deep is going to be epic and immersive.
Helms Deep for the win!
So yes, I do want to win this.
yummy comments
Great giveaway! Good luck everyone!!
*crossing fingers*
I would like to participate in this game of chance!
Happy gaming to everyone!
C’mon lady luck! Shine upon me!
C’mon me lucky charms! Work this time please
Well, one has to try!
Yay giveaways! good luck to all, looking forward to HD!
Winner,winner… Helm’s Deep for dinner
I would enjoy this tremendously!
really want it! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for offering up the contest!
This might be the reason for me to continue my journey in middleearth again! Thank you!
Yay! I want to win!
I want to win so I don’t have to spend 4295 turbine points!
Yes! Nice one!
Would be so good to win. I’m lucky that way.
I can’t promise I WON’T.scoot down stairs on a shield.
It’s just that epic!
want it!
For Rohan!
GO GO Helm’s Deep !!
I want play in Helm´s Deep!!!!!!!!
Entering too
wow many already reacted, well here my 2 cents
Fingers crossed! Turbine points are nearly there!
Fingers crossed! Good luck, everyone!
Hope i win this one!
It would be great to win! Thank you very much!
Thanks for this great opportunity! Keep up the good work.
Here’s my entry!
hope I’ll win! good luck everybody
Ohh… Fun
been here since first beta, so would be nice to win this.
Man do I wish I could win this
Very nice give-away!
May the luckiest one win!
There,i commented!
This is really generous, thanks for the opportunity
I hope when HD comes that there will be some improvements about lag in ettens.
Hardly w8 HD to come.
Would love to win!
/roll 100 I win!!!
Hey I like free stuff to.
Good luck everyone.
Would love to win a copy!
/Hurray for awesome give aways!!!
I would really love to win this!
I am excited for Helm’s Deep as well. Hopefully it will be full of great battles!
I am in on this. Would make a good present to my friend, since I already have HD!
Might as well try this then
Hope Helms Deep saves the game.
Musthave! D:
I’d love to win it!
Hope this is a great expansion!!
‘Have to comment and suddenly my fingers fall quiet…almost silently they tap out…“Helm’s Deep”…“Give-away!”…with a final burst of key bashing, less silent now that the excitement is building to a crescendo…“AMAZING!”‘
I’d love to be able to win one, so I can give it to a friend who can’t afford it. You guys are great.
Thank you for the chance to win Helm’s Deep.
I would love this opportunity!
And many thanks for organising this too.
Great giveaway from a awesome site !
Hope I win it but a great giveaway for whoever gets.Good luck everybody.
To win a copy of Helm’s Deep
Sure would be neat
(it kinda rhymes!)
May the best man/hobbit/dwarf/elf win!
sweet lottery
Borimir is the best character to ever exist. This is a fact.
This would be awesome to win!!
Hoping to win, thank you for the give away.
HD giveaway, here I come! Thank you guys for this opportunity.
Looking forward to getting back into LOTRO with the release of Helm’s deep. Wish they hadn’t stopped the epic being free even if it’s understandable.
Never laugh at a live dragon
I joined the beta relatively late, but I’m looking forward to playing the Big Battles! Awww yeeaeaaah!
Would love to win this good luck all.
thank you for the give away.
Good luck everyone.
Very nice! Can’t wait for Helms Deep expansion.
Thanks for your work…and your hospitality!
I hope I win!
Thanks for this giveaway chance, that’s very generous
Thanks for the giveaway. It’s something really generous to do for the people that can’t afford to buy the expantion.
Appreciate the giveaway, and can’t wait for the expansion!
Ooo, count me in! :^)
hello, yeah, I am one of the hopefuls.
Good luck to all entrants!
Thank you for this generous giveaway!
Excellent, I look forward to seeing what Turbine has to offer with this expansion!
Great giveaway, thanks!
Thanks for the Giveaway. I hope I win!
Thanks for the giveaway offer!
Thank you for all of the information and the chance for free stuff!
Yay for the awesome work LOTRO players does!
Look to my coming, at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.
sssssssss . . . we wants it, oh yes, precious, WE WANTS IT!
Good Luck all.
Huzzah! I would love to join in on this contest!
How exciting! Good luck to everyone! Won’t be too long until HD arrives
Can’t wait to see how the ‘Big Battles’ are going to work! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
Would be nice to win this!
Good luck everyone!
I must win this!!! I must!!! <3
Cool, gl erryone
I need this expansion. Really need.
Nice nice nice!
I really would like to win ! Gl to every1. but mostly me
Ah!! Wait, I haven’t left a comment on this one?! Count me in, and thank you lotroplayers for helping re-ignite my interest in lotro <3
Oh man, so excited – please pick me!
Hopefully my Mini and Warden can make it through the harsh blow they took with class changes.
Well, just one more hoping to win. But good luck everyone.
Would love to win this. I need to do some cleaning up before this gets release too!
Duh..Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed.
Worth a shot… here’s my entry
thanks! good luck everybody
Thanks, pinguins!
Good luck!
Great chance to win, nice from you
nothing wrong with free stuff
There is a lot of controversy going on about Helm’s Deep. But it means I have to see it with my own eyes and winning it makes it so much easier! Thanks for making this giveaway!
Not sure if I entered already here haha so I’ll rather try again..still hoping to win a copy so badly.
Count me in.
Thanks and good luck to all!
I’m so excited to play this game!
Having picked up LoTRO again after being gone since around Moria it was amazing to see the videos you guys put out! Course getting a free expansion would be a nice return gift as well!
Greetings, please count me in!
Guid luck tae everyone!
Here’s my entry, GL all of you
Fingers crossed, hope dies last
Like this game
Wanna see the battles asap and get immersed in the LotRO world once again!
*Crosses fingers for my water droplet in the bucket*
Helms Deep is almost here! GL all!
This would be just what I’d need to start playing again …
This would surely be an awesome early Christmas gift!
Awesome giveaway! Good Luck Everyone!
OOOhhh!!! It’s getting CLOSE! Can’t Wait!
I wasn’t sure whether I was going to get this expansion or not. I imagine if I have it though, I’ll play it all the way through!
Looks interesting. Cannot wait to play.
Thanks for this giveaway! Here goes nothing
This will be one epic expansion. I’m dying to see a large battlefield.
Me want it!
8 more days!!
Oooh, I hope I win!
Looking forward to continuing the journey…
I love LOTRO :)And this expansion looks really good!
“For Rohan!”…I’m ready to eneter the battle!!
Good luck everyone !
Helms Deep looks amazing it would be awsome to win this.
Helms Deep will be epic !
Class changes are looking interesting I am really looking forward to try them out next week.
Amazing !
Good luck all !
Good luck all
Helms Deep looks amazing it would be awsome to win this !
Helms Deep looks interesting it would be awsome to win this !
Looking forward to playing my hunter in helms deep
Really looking forward to Helms Deep. Best of luck all.
Can’t wait for Helm’s Deep. GL!
Huge win! Wanna have it
Can’t wait for this expac
Good luck everyone!
Moar giveaways like this please
much excited about this expansion
Good luck baby:*
Good bye!
Gonna try my luck as well! Thanks for this opportunity. 8)
Fingers crossed.
Great prize.
Thanks for the opportunity!
*X’s Fingers*
Thank you for the opportunity! I’d like to enter the giveaway for the Lord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep premium edition!
Entering too, thanks.
I was thinking about visiting Middle-earth after a long time! Now THIS would give me a perfect reason
hope the new expansion will be great. Moria times FTW
Sweet! A chance to get my family playing together.
Very excited for next Monday… May have to take the afternoon off
Have waited for this for too long.
Erkenbrand FTW!
So stoked! Cannot wait!