(Giveaway Ended) Helm’s Deep Premium Edition

HD Premium ED

Winner has been chosen and contacted.  Giveaway is closed.

Congratulations to Thorenstrom!

LOTRO Players is giving away one copy of the Helm’s Deep Premium Edition.

Experience the finale of Rohan’s Epic Story and the beginning of all-out war in Middle-earth. Launches November 18th 2013!

Premium Edition Features
Unearth the depth of Gríma Wormtongue’s treachery, unravel a mystery weaved through the war-torn Westemnet, and defend the fortress at Helm’s Deep.

Rohan’s once-serene fields are fraught with gruesome evil among roaring fires that burn the pillaged lands. Heroes are needed to stand against fell deeds in these treacherous times.

War thunders across Middle-earth! You and your fellows must charge into Epic Battles of unmatched scale and scope to save the lands of the Free Peoples. Your choices have consequences that shape the nature of each battle, but also yield amazing rewards for the worthy.

Choose your path to triumph and power with new class Trait Trees and roles that are more true to the legends of Middle-earth than ever before.

Helm’s Deep™ Premium Edition (Pre-Purchase) includes:

Enforcer of Helm & Avenger of Helm
Exclusive in-game Rohirrim titles

2,000 Turbine Points for use in the Turbine Store

Armour of the Hammerhand
An exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armour

Quest log slots: +10
Expands your maximum number of active quests by 10

Crystal of Remembrance
Adds one additional legacy to your legendary weapon

Shield of the Hammerhand
A back-slot item with the appearance of a Rohirric pack and shield. Stats scale to your level. +25% XP gain on Monster Kills, Crafting, Quest Completions. 25% Legendary item and Mounted Combat XP.

Exclusive Rohan Mount Bundle
Steed of the Hammerhand with matching War-steed appearance

You will automatically be provided access to the full content and features of Helm’s Deep™ when it launches.

Entries will close on November 12th.

How to Enter

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below.  Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once.  Each comment will be assigned a number in order.  The winner will be selected with a random number generator.  The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the account/comment.

Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with.  We will send an email to the winner.  The winner will have a week to respond.  Once they respond we will send them the expansion code and the contest will end.  If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond.  This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.

All LOTRO Players past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.

Help Us Have More Giveaways!

Want to see more giveaways?  We need your help!  Monthly giveaways are funded by donations to LOTRO Players.  If we do not receive enough donations to cover our costs, we can’t do giveaways.

Donate to LOTRO Players.

388 thoughts on “(Giveaway Ended) Helm’s Deep Premium Edition”

  1. Looking forward to this expansion – will be the first one that I am actually on level for – though still working on Rohan. Thanks for the giveaway.

  2. It’d be cool to jump into Helms Deep. I only found this site yesterday, but I really appreciate the info and contests like this!

  3. I’m excited about Helm’s Deep. My highest lvl is 56, so I’ve got some work to reach cap, but I’m really looking forward to this one, and can’t wait to see what the new trait trees are like.

  4. I’m still waffling on how to get this expansion (pre-purchase, wait for sale, use TPs, etc.) Winning a contest would make my decision much simpler. 🙂

  5. I’m apprehensive about some of the changes they have announced but hopeful in the long run it will prove out to have been good things. I’m sure even what we see go live will still be tweaked some here and there.

  6. Sorry … We are all out of candy. All of you should try the next valley over…I think the Elves still have some.

  7. I’m excited to see how the new skill trees will affect game play. Good luck to everyone who enters this giveaway!

  8. Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimmegimme PLEASE 😀

  9. Lotro is the only game I play and I am addicted. This is super of you to offer this chance to win this fabulous prize. Thank you.

  10. This game has kept both my family and friends together as I travel the world in the military. I love everything about this game and the community it brings together!

  11. Kind of looking forward to Helm’s Deep, but also dreading it a bit. Mostly looking forward to it, though. Just hope I get my internet fixed before it comes, or the lag will be unbearable.

  12. ‘Have to comment and suddenly my fingers fall quiet…almost silently they tap out…“Helm’s Deep”“Give-away!”…with a final burst of key bashing, less silent now that the excitement is building to a crescendo…“AMAZING!”


  13. Looking forward to getting back into LOTRO with the release of Helm’s deep. Wish they hadn’t stopped the epic being free even if it’s understandable.

  14. Thanks for the giveaway. It’s something really generous to do for the people that can’t afford to buy the expantion. 😀

  15. Thank you for all of the information and the chance for free stuff!

    Yay for the awesome work LOTRO players does!

  16. Ah!! Wait, I haven’t left a comment on this one?! Count me in, and thank you lotroplayers for helping re-ignite my interest in lotro <3

  17. Oh man, so excited – please pick me!

    Hopefully my Mini and Warden can make it through the harsh blow they took with class changes. 😛

  18. There is a lot of controversy going on about Helm’s Deep. But it means I have to see it with my own eyes and winning it makes it so much easier! Thanks for making this giveaway!

  19. Having picked up LoTRO again after being gone since around Moria it was amazing to see the videos you guys put out! Course getting a free expansion would be a nice return gift as well!

  20. I wasn’t sure whether I was going to get this expansion or not. I imagine if I have it though, I’ll play it all the way through!

  21. I was thinking about visiting Middle-earth after a long time! Now THIS would give me a perfect reason 😀 hope the new expansion will be great. Moria times FTW

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