LOTRO Leveling Contest

LOTRO Leveling Contest post thumbnail image

Turbine has made yet another attempt to get people leveling, as we come ever closer to the launch date of Helm’s Deep. This time, they have come up with an interesting contest.

How it works is that from 28th October up to 10th November, every level your character(s) achieves between 60 and 85 will give you one entry. Characters that are level 85 before this contest has begun will also automatically be granted an entry into the contest. At the end of the promotion, Turbine will draw from all the entries and these prizes will be given out:


  • One Lifetime membership
  • 5 Helm’s Deep Premium Edition codes
  • (10) 500 Turbine Points


Now, as what always happens with these types of competitions, somebody is going to be left out. In this case, only people living in the US, Germany and France are eligible to receive the prizes.

I know, guys. Being a UK resident I have been left out of almost all of the contests Turbine has created since I started playing. I know it can make you feel left out of the greater LOTRO community. But the fact of the matter is, to organise these things Turbine has to push them through the legal system of each individual country, and possibly in the case of the US, every state. This takes considerable time and money, and in the end it is not always possible to get them authorised for certain residents. There really is nothing that can be done to avoid this, aside from adopting a ‘If I can’t take part, nobody should’ attitude.

The best advice I can give you is to keep a stiff upper lip, keep calm and carry on.

12 thoughts on “LOTRO Leveling Contest”

  1. Its shame UK people etc can’t take part, but well we get stuffed in many ways for our laws, rules etc (VAT for example :p ). Ne’er mind,this one doesn’t impact on me as I have the lifetime account and Helms Deep expansion already. But a real shame for all those that don’t that can’t enter. Its also a shame because its a really good idea (not that I like racing through the content – I like to take my time the first couple of characters I take through each zone. But with 50+ alts I do tend to power level a few of them these days!).

  2. A *very very^500* minor chance to win something for doing something I probably should be doing anyways? I’ll take it!

    I’m sorry for those that are ineligible for this contest. In the grand scheme of things, I’m sure it’s something to just shoulder shrug about and move on.

  3. I do not know if I am left our or not, being in Italy. I can take this or leave it. Feel a bit sorry for the folks left out but then meh 🙂

    1. I don’t think the lotteries are under the same type of legal restrictions. I’ve never heard of lotteries being limited by country but if someone else has, please correct me

  4. So if you level all the way from 60-85 during the contest you get 25 entries, but those who are already 85 only get one entry? I’m not sure I can do it — Sullo is only 43 right now, so I might be able to get a couple of entries in.

    @Draculetta, I think I understand what you mean. I know WB/Turbine is trying to drum up interest in the expansion, and I appreciate their enthusiasm, but some of their methods seem kind of odd. 100% XP boost until HD is released, the HD Premium Edition 25% XP shield with HD pre-purchase that stacks with other boosts including the previous 25% XP boost pocket items, and now a contest to reach level cap. Not sure what to think about all this.

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