Free Sample of the Week
100% Renown / Infamy x1
Use Coupon Code U9MP 1/Account
Lilikate Says: Another sale with a focus on the Moors. Nice to see this area of the game highlighted.
Store Sales
795 596
Blackarrow: Fire massive and deadly arrow types from range!
Defiler: Heal Evil forces or disable Free Peoples with deadly plagues!
Stalker: Strike stealthily, silently, and suddenly!
Warleader: Rally your troops, heal your allies, and absorb incoming damage!
Weaver: Use poisons and webs to manipulate and control prey!
Store Location: Account → Classes
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: For those who have yet played a creep I would advise you to try it out! What better time to acquire a Monster than now?
2. Monster Traits 25% Off
195-2995 146-2246
Enhance your abilities and stats with traits from the LOTRO Store. Then visit your Monster Class bard to slot your new traits.
- All monster classes can update class and racial traits in the store.
- Customize your character for how you play!
Store Location: Character → Monster Play → Class Traits
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: I would think it more fun to kill freeps for traits but I admit I know precious little about this side of the game.
3.Monster Skills 25% Off
395-2995 296-2246
Upgrade your skills to do more damage, protect your raid group, control more targets, and cause more carnage!
- Upon purchase, skills are immediately usable.
- Get access to better traits, faster!
Store Location: Character → Monster Play → Class Skills
Levels: 10+
Lilikate Says: Again I admit my ignorance but where there is freeps I am sure there is the ability to earn new skills.
4. Milestone Skills 25% Off
350 263
Set multiple instant-travel destinations! Unlock an additional destination skill to bind at Milestones. 5 additions available! Milestones, or “homes”, are locations that you can instantly travel to from anywhere in the world. Players can bind to one destination at a time for free, and purchasing additional Milestone Skills allows players to access more than one destination at a moment’s notice!
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Maps & Skills → Milestone Skills
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: Useful to all classes and more useful to the slower types such as Guardians. Just a small grumble about buying one of these at full price three days ago Thems the breaks eh?
5. Hurried Traveller 25% Off
495 371
Reduce the recovery time (cool-downs) on Milestone Skills by 30 minutes to use instant-travel more often! Works across all Milestone skills! This is a permanent unlock for your character.
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Travel Traits
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: I have my eye on this sale this week. I think I could grind those points by next Thursday.
Also: Steed of the Guardian, Steed of the Minstrel, and Obsidian Steed.
Other News:
Limited Time!
Cosmetic Armour Sets are back.
Oct 25th – 31st
Harvestmath is Back!
Join in the celebration
Oct 22nd – Nov 3rd

where is the “none of the above” option? ;P
Also worth mentioning that the various pet skills are 25% off.
Vote buggy and I would have hid the ‘none of the above’ but…
The haunted burrow has had me hopping between Mines of Moria and the Shire…
Had to hop to Bree (lalia’s shop) or Home (Thorin’s hall, then get to stables, before swift ride from Bree/Thorins hall to Michel Delving to get another ride to Hobbington before finally heading up the hill…
I decided this could be trimmed a little!
I bought the milestone skill and would have done it at full price it was becoming so irritating!
Yeah you lot always choose non of the above! Thought I’d hide it for a week
Tsu to make your trip shorter, roll a hunter and set your campsite skill to the Hill… takes about 8 seconds in my game time