New Fellowship Walk Goals until 10/24!

Today we are announcing new mini goals for the Fellowship Walk.  These goals only last until 10/24 at 11 p.m. Eastern.  A reminder that all money raised for the Fellowship Walk goes directly to Child’s Play.  Click here to donate to help us reach our mini goals below and our $5,000 goal by Oct. 24th.

If we reach any of the goals below by 10/24 we will give away a single copy of what is at the goal to one lucky winner.  LOTRO Players staff past or present are not eligible.  Details on how to enter each will be given in a new post for each mini goal we reach.

$4500 Giveaway – Riders of Rohan Heroic Edition Expansion

Riders of Rohan Expansion Pic

Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor. Join with the Rohirrim and ride across the sprawling plains of Eastern Rohan. Raise high your sword to fight for honor and glory in the name of Théoden King!

Heroic Edition Features
Introducing Mounted Combat
Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor. Customize your War-steed’s armor and level its skills over time to aid you in mounted defense of King Théoden’s lands. Mount your steed and gather your fellows to fight against Warbands, contingents of roving wargs and orcs that have been scouted all over the Plains of Rohan! It falls to you to head off and defeat this new threat before they over take the land.

Explore Largest Landscape Yet!
Nearly three times as large as Moria! Join with the Rohirrim and ride across the sprawling Eastern Plains of Rohan. Raise high your sword to fight for honor and glory in the name of Théoden King! Experience hundreds of new quests, earn new favor, gear, deeds and more!

The Epic Story Continues
The Fellowship is on the move once again and must achieve their task at all cost. It falls to you to clear the path and turn the Eye of the Enemy away from their progress as you aid the Rohirrim in their own struggle close by. Witness the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen; forge alliances with the Ents of Fangorn; and aid Éomer, nephew of Théoden, as he seeks to protect his homeland from the growing Shadow.

Advance to Level 85
Learn what it means to be Rohirrim as you face new challenges throughout the Riddermark on your journey to level 85. Continue your legend as you grow in power with new skills and deeds and earn new armor and gear to aid you in the battles to come.

The Steed of the Eastemnet
An exclusive Rohirrim Mount

Hauberk of the Eastemnet
An exclusive Rohirrim cosmetic chest piece

Friend of the Mark
An exclusive in-game Rohirrim title

Evendim, Moria, and Lothlórien Quest Packs
Over 650 quests, 10 fellowship instances, and two raids

1,000 Turbine Points for use in the Turbine Store

$5000 Giveaway – 60 Day VIP Code

60 Day Time Code

With The Lord of the Rings Online™ 60-Day Game Time Code,
you get ALL VIP benefits for a full 60 days!

VIP benefits include:

– Access to all Quest Packs & Skirmishes*

– 500 Turbine Points per month

– Access all Monster Classes

– 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space

– And much more!

$5500 Giveaway – 60 Day VIP Code

60 Day Time Code

With The Lord of the Rings Online™ 60-Day Game Time Code,
you get ALL VIP benefits for a full 60 days!

VIP benefits include:

– Access to all Quest Packs & Skirmishes*

– 500 Turbine Points per month

– Access all Monster Classes

– 20 Slots of Shared Wardrobe Space

– And much more!

$6000 Giveaway – Quad-Pack Expansions

Quad Pack

All 4 previous expansions to LOTRO.  Includes Moria, Mirkwook, Isengard and Riders of Rohan.

Quad Pack Features:


Delve into the dangerous depths of Moria, and try to reclaim its dark halls from the evil burrowed within.

  • Over 350 quests designed to support player levels 50 – 60.
  • Seven full fellowship instances (Dark Delvings, Fil Gashan, Skumfil, The Sixteenth Hall, The Forges of Khazad-dum, The Grand Stair, and The Forgotten Treasury).
  • Two 12-person raids (Filikul and The Vile Maw).
  • Heal or deal damage with a Rune-keeper or use powerful attack combos and self-healing as a Warden!
  • Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 15, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!
  • Live the legend of two more heroes of Middle-earth with 2 additional character slots!


Join the elves of Lothlórien in war against Sauron among the ancient ruins, spider-haunted canyons, and foul bogs of Mirkwood.

  • 150 quests designed to support player levels 60 – 65.
  • Three 3-person instances (Dungeons of Dol Guldur, Sword-hall of Dol Guldur, Warg-pens of Dol Guldur).
  • One full fellowship instance (Sammath Gul).
  • One 12-person raid (Barad Guldur).
  • Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 25, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!


Journey eastward toward the tower of Orthanc where an army of Isengard Orcs and Uruk-hai make ready for war.

  • Over 375 quests designed to support player levels 65 – 75.
  • Three 3-person instances (Fangorn’s Edge, Pits of Isengard, Dargnakh Unleashed).
  • One full fellowship instance (The Foundry).
  • One 12-person instance (The Tower of Orthanc).
  • One 12-person raid (Draigoch’s Lair).
  • Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 35, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!


Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor.

  • Journey through hundreds of new quests designed to support players levels 75-85.
  • Explore landscape nearly three times as large as Moria!
  • Experience Mounted Combat!
  • Customize your War-steed’s armor and level its skills over time to aid you in mounted defense of King Théoden’s lands.
  • Receive an exclusive Rohirrim Mount and in-game Rohirrim title!
  • Witness the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen; forge alliances with the Ents of Fangorn; and aid Éomer, nephew of Théoden, as he seeks to protect his homeland from the growing Shadow.

$7000 Giveaway – Helm’s Deep Premium Edition

HD Premium ED

Experience the finale of Rohan’s Epic Story and the beginning of all-out war in Middle-earth. Launches November 18th 2013!

Premium Edition Features
Unearth the depth of Gríma Wormtongue’s treachery, unravel a mystery weaved through the war-torn Westemnet, and defend the fortress at Helm’s Deep.

Rohan’s once-serene fields are fraught with gruesome evil among roaring fires that burn the pillaged lands. Heroes are needed to stand against fell deeds in these treacherous times.

War thunders across Middle-earth! You and your fellows must charge into Epic Battles of unmatched scale and scope to save the lands of the Free Peoples. Your choices have consequences that shape the nature of each battle, but also yield amazing rewards for the worthy.

Choose your path to triumph and power with new class Trait Trees and roles that are more true to the legends of Middle-earth than ever before.

Helm’s Deep™ Premium Edition (Pre-Purchase) includes:

Enforcer of Helm & Avenger of Helm
Exclusive in-game Rohirrim titles

2,000 Turbine Points for use in the Turbine Store

Armour of the Hammerhand
An exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armour

Quest log slots: +10
Expands your maximum number of active quests by 10

Crystal of Remembrance
Adds one additional legacy to your legendary weapon

Shield of the Hammerhand
A back-slot item with the appearance of a Rohirric pack and shield. Stats scale to your level. +25% XP gain on Monster Kills, Crafting, Quest Completions. 25% Legendary item and Mounted Combat XP.

Exclusive Rohan Mount Bundle
Steed of the Hammerhand with matching War-steed appearance

You will automatically be provided access to the full content and features of Helm’s Deep™ when it launches.

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