Solve a Mystery Roleplay Contest – Saturday, October 19 at 4:30pm (est) on Landroval.

Here is a message from the Windy Acres Ranch!

Join us for a special solve-a-mystery roleplay event and Halloween costume contest on Saturday, October 19th at 4:30pm /servertime (Eastern US). Meet at 9 Chestnut Street, Raglan, Bree-land homesteads.

The event features a family-friendly story and is open to characters of all levels. The game is designed to be played by any number people. The event will last about 2 hours. During the game, volunteers will take key roles as suspects in a mystery story. Everyone else will roleplay Bounders, Rangers, sheriffs, and others appointed to investigate. Clues are gained by examining evidence and interviewing the suspects. The suspects and evidence will be located at four different, adjacent houses.

After completing their investigation, participants tell the host who the culprit is and why they commit the crime. The first three who correctly solve the mystery win a prize!

Participants should show up dressed appropriately for a Halloween party or as an investigator. Please leave weapons larger than daggers at home. Pets should be kept outdoors. Feel free to bring musical instruments if you would like to play.

The Halloween-themed costume contest will take place after the mystery is solved.

The prizes for both events are: a Helm’s Deep Premium pre-order code for first place, and a code for 1,400 Turbine Points for second and third place. Other small prizes will be awarded to contestants who receive an honorable mention. There will also be a drawing to award a prize to the volunteers.

Contact Kiralynn on Landroval or through email at if you have questions about the event.

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