This week was our one year anniversary! That means we are all on our wargs. Thank you everyone who has been watching any of our episodes over the last year!
This week I have been doing a lot of stuff for the Fellowship Walk.
Shurz also has been helping a lot with the Fellowship Walk.
Braxwolf joined us for this special show. He had been skirmishing a lot
Aranthier continued to advance his characters.
Pineleaf continued his hobby of doing a thousand more things than the rest of us.
A big thanks to everyone who has donated to the Fellowship Walk!
This week we did not receive any donations but we would love your support!
To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site. We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.
Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server. We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join. Thanks for watching and see you again next week!
Skirmishing a lot = one time the day before we recorded
Not exactly up to Pineleaf standard!
Ah but it is a lot for you. As a side note, nobody can skirmish as much as Pineleaf, it is just not possible.
I created a warg especially on Landroval but then my eyes started drooping….. Glad to see that the anniversary went well though
You can always join us in a future episode! Glad you liked the show!
Although my Monster Play skills border on the embarrasing :p