Free Sample of the Week.
Max Morale and Power Scrolls x5.
Use Coupon Code MXP59 1/Account
Lilikate Says: A stack of 5! I am sure I can make good use of these
Store Sales:
1. Stat Tomes 25% Off
295 221
Trolls pounding you into submission? Friends defeated because you can’t heal them fast enough? Then it may be time to upgrade your character’s Agility, Fate, Might, Vitality, or Will stats. Don’t worry, there are many easy ways to upgrade these stats! Level up your character. Get better gear by completing quests, crafting, and using the auction-house. Or use permanent stat boosting tomes that are dropped by enemies or purchased through the LOTRO Store. Food and drinks acquired in-game can also provide temporary boosts to your stats.
Store Location: Character → Stats
Levels: All
Lilikate Says: Always nice to see these on sale. There are other LOTRO ways to boost stats too, but handy to have if in a tight corner.
2. Dusky Nimblefoot Goat 25% Off
995 746
Allows you to summon a trusty Goat to ride throughout Middle-earth!
*Can be used in Moria.
*Travel 62% faster!
Store Location: Travel & Housing → Mounts → Standard
Levels: 5+
Lilikate Says: I am not enticed by this offer, the first time I adventured the dark and dangerous place…I ran it until I gained the rep and gold to buy one.
3. Additional Legacy Slot 25% Off
995 746
Purchase this Crystal of Remembrance in order to add a major legacy to any legendary item that has 6 or fewer legacies.
Store Location: Goods & Services → Legendary Items →Scrolls
Levels: 50+
Lilikate Says: I might be interested in this for an end game weapon, or a weapon that I would use for a long time. I think in u13 maybe they should develop weapons that scale. I am not comfortable with the disposable LI we have at the present.
Also: Steed of the Guardian, Steed of the Minstrel, and Obsidian Steed.
Nothing to buy this week…hopefully soon Eregion comes up for sale as I just reached the walls of Moria and had to pass several locked gold rings…oh frustrations!
Hopefully trait slot unlocks will go on sale before the new trait trees come to be.