Fellowship Walk: Event Guide 12th Oct and Weekly Poll.




Last Saturday we all finished the walk at Bree Stage. We had music from the Beaux Chapeaux and some Poetry.

At the time of writing this guide as have raised a total of $1850.  So tomorrow we will be able to continue our Walking.

The next stopping point is in the middle of the Midgewater Marshes. The good news is, we have only to raise $150 to continue to Weathertop.


Our goals are:

Weathertop $2000

Harloeg $ 2500

Bilbo’s Trolls $3000

[button link=”http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/21/fellowship-walk-donations-open/” type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Big Donate Button to Child’s Play[/button]

The Gathering:

We will meet at The Stage opposite The Prancing Pony in Bree Town. (Landroval)

At 2.00pm (est)


We will gather at the Stage in Bree Town


You May Need:

Bright shiny objects: Torches, Lanterns, Sparklers, Campfires, Fireworks and anything else you have that is bright and shiny!


Lilikate with Piperia’s Shiny Lanterns: See Auctions!


The Plan:


1.30pm: The Andune Ensemble will be playing for the gathering crowd.

2.00pm: This Saturday we begin at The Stage, Bree Twon.  Announcements by Lilikate and Other LOTROPlayers staff.

2.15pm: Begin our walk down to the South Gate and beyond.

2.35pm: Arrive at our campsite in the Midgewater Marshes. We will pause here for a short while. We will check the total raised to see if we have enough to continue our Fellowship Walk.  Musical interlude by the Guest Band, The Andune Ensemble.

2.45pm: Leaving the Marshes heading East.

3.00pm: Arriving at the Dell, a small camp at the bottom of Weathertop. Just to the south of Candaiths Camp.

3.05pm: … Arranged surprises.

3.35pm:  Returning to the Dell to check the total raised. If we have $2500 we will walk to Harleog. If we have not met our total of $2500 The Band, The Andune Ensemble will play for us for another 30 minutes.

Between 4.00pm and 4.30pm: End of Event.

Please be aware that all plans have a habit of going terribly, horribly, and utterly wrong. In this circumstance prepare to follow Lilikate as she improvises!

Keep calm and eat the free pies!

If you have any good screenshots send them to lilikatebuggins@gmail.com I may feature them in my after event article!



Vending: I would like to let it be made clear that items from our Fellowship Walk Vendors: Alesel and Zyngor are completly free and without obligation. They will, if pressed take donations for the Pie and Trivia Prize fund. Do not donate to any other players please as we cannot be certain we will receive those goods.

Weta Parchment Map


Don’t forget the Treasure Hunt with this wonderful Parchment Map as the prize!

All Fellowship Walk 2013 Competitions can be easily found through the camera graphic on the home page of LOTROPlayers.com





Turbine so kindly gifted the fellowship walk with title codes to hand out to participating players.


An Unexpected Traveller. Screenshot by Lilikate Buggins.


The usual method to claim a code is to email this address: Fellowshipwalk@gmail.com,  send me an anecdote about the Fellowship Walk  you attended. Also you can just write in tell me what a wonderful organiser I am, or send in virtual pie.

You can also send a note through the quick post Lilikate on the Landroval Server giving your anecdote about the walk. Compliments and Pie also accepted!

I would like to extend this offer to players unable to join our LOTRO event:  If you make a donation to Child’s Play, leaving your characters name and server in the comments section I will send you a code through the LOTRO mail system. Minimum donations of $1.00 will be accepted.

I will send you an in-game letter with a code and instructions (In English). I will be less able to assist those German, and French Speakers but I will do my best to help you.

Be sure to donate to Child’s Play through the links provided and remember to write in the comments box your name (or an alts name) and server.


This offer extends to those who play on:

(These are the servers I can create characters on).





























I will keep issuing codes until I have none left to give. Codes are issued on a first come, first served basis.

Poll News:

This weeks store sales were a bit short on choice. I decided not to make a store sales poll, but to have a different question for you all to respond to. I pop the poll in here, I hope you can excuse this tangent but it saves me writing another post!

Helms Deep Pre-Orders, Who has one?

Have you played PvMP?

View Results

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Final Words:

I hope we have a huge gathering of players tomorrow. We have prepared “drama” for you all to enjoy. Please come along even if you have not been before.

A few things I would like to stress, although this is a charity event where we are trying very hard to reach our goal of $5000.  Our LOTRO event is open to all players, we would feel rotten if players stayed away from all our prepared fun just because they are unable to contribute money.  Please join in! and remember LOTRO is a game, lets have fun together! Supporting this great cause in whatever way we can.

If you feel you would like to contact a member of LOTROPlayers.com about this event.

Please feel free to email: Lilikatebuggins@gmail.com



 Somewhere in the world a child will be happier because of what we did today.
Screenshot by Alesel.






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