elvish placenames: water (2)

elvish placenames: water (2) post thumbnail image

Common elements:

Celon ~ river
Duin ~ (long and large) river
Nen ~ water

Baran meaning golden-brown and duin meaning river.  More commonly known as the Brandywine river.

Celon meaning river and dîm meaning sadness.  Possibly River of Sadness.

Falath meaning beach or wave-beaten shore and lorn meaning quiet water, anchorage or harbour.  Shore of the Quiet Water perhaps.

Nen Harn:
Nen meaning water and harn (from sarn) meaning stone.  I’d guess Stone Lake.

Nen meaning water and uial meaning twilight.  More commonly known as Lake Evendim.

(Translations are from the Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin, The Silmarillion, J.R. R. Tolkien and  Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary.  I am not an expert at all – if you see any mistakes please let me know!)

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