Gray Sky Over Lorien–Daily Screenshots

It seems like in LOTRO the sky is either sunny, raining, or a creepy tinge of green due to dread.

Tomeoric recently captured some storm clouds on his way to Lothlorien.

Though it could be seen as a bad omen, this unusual scenery is beautiful.

Thanks for sending this in, Tomeoric!

ScreenShot00002 (12)


Daily Screenshots is an interesting picture picked by Spridra that is released every day.  If you have an awesome screenshot send it to me at  Your screenshot could end up on this segment of LotRO Players.  I can’t wait to see what you are able to create!

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2 thoughts on “Gray Sky Over Lorien–Daily Screenshots”

  1. The way the camera and lighting on this shot is could cause it to become confused with a painting if you didn’t know the shot was LOTRO.

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