Fellowship Walk Progress and Announcements.



Gathering at Tom’s House. Screenshot by Katinas.

Greetings and Welcome,

I thought it time someone (me) let all you free folk know how we fared last weekend. I also have announcements to make concerning the progress of the Fellowship Walk 2013.


Announcements from the Rock! Screenshot by Katinas.

Our LOTRO event is getting ever more popular as the word of our adventure spreads throughout the community.

Andang Old Forest

Leaving the Old Forest. Screenshot by Andang.

Last Saturday on the 5th October we walked all the way from The Old Forest to Bree.  We have many walkers, some folks too tired to walk on their own feet took to walking their mounts along side of us.  We had a very successful night and day.


The Education of Lalia. Screenshot by Andang

We had words with Lalia, a party on a Barrow. The security team killed many undead wights.


Impressive Light Display. Screenshot by Alesel.

We found the corpse of an Unfortunate Soul, and the east west road again!


Arriving at the Barrow! Hurray. Screenshot by Alesel

Then through the West Gate, up the hill and finished up at the Stage opposite the prancing pony.


At the Sign of the Prancing Pony. Screenshot by Alesel.




I would like to thank a few people:


Walking Horses! Screenshot by Alesel.

The Mounted Guard: Your co-ordinated riding skills were wonderful. /swordsalute.

Alesel and Zyngor: You were amazing under pressure! Thankyou.

Geoffroi: You offered to match the next three bids and you matched those bids! 🙂

Myst: You managed to join us!  HURRAY

The Beaux Chapeaux: The event would not have been the same without you.

Pineleaf and Andang: Amazing work both in LOTRO and with the LIVE Feed which we still have for all to view.

[button link=”http://www.twitch.tv/lotroplayers/c/3054132″ type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Watch Here.[/button]



The Crowd. Screenshot by Alesel.

All who came to walk with us: You are the most amazing people and I thank you.


Bree Stage. Screenshot by Katinas.

Katinas: For your screenshots and letting me talk you into taking more 🙂


Thanks to all in the Security Team. Screenshot by Andang.

Security: Fantastic job!



Vending: I would like to let it be made clear that items from our Fellowship Walk Vendors: Alesel and Zyngor are completly free and without obligation. They will, if pressed take donations for the Pie and Trivia Prize fund. Do not donate to any other players please as we cannot be certain we will receive those goods.



Turbine so kindly gifted the fellowship walk with title codes to hand out to participating players.


An Unexpected Traveller. Screenshot by Lilikate Buggins.


The usual method to claim a code is to email this address: Fellowshipwalk@gmail.com,  send me an anecdote about the Fellowship Walk  you attended. Also you can just write in tell me what a wonderful organiser I am, or send in virtual pie.

You can also send a note through the quick post Lilikate on the Landroval Server giving your anecdote about the walk. Compliments and Pie also accepted!

[button link=”#http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/21/fellowship-walk-donations-open/” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Donate to Child’s Play Here.[/button]

I would like to extend this offer to players unable to join our LOTRO event:  If you make a donation to Child’s Play, leaving your characters name and server in the comments section I will send you a code through the LOTRO mail system. Minimum donations of $1.00 will be accepted.

I will send you an in-game letter with a code and instructions (In English). I will be less able to assist those German, and French Speakers but I will do my best to help you.

Be sure to donate to Child’s Play through the links provided and remember to write in the comments box your name (or an alts name) and server.


This offer extends to those who play on:

(These are the servers I can create characters on).





























I will keep issuing codes until I have none left to give. Codes are issued on a first come, first served basis.


The Fellowship Walk Continues on Saturday 2.00pm

Meet at the Prancing Pony, Bree.

We hope to be able to raise enough funds to reach Weathertop!


Lilikate with Pip’s Lanterns: See Auctions. Screenshot by Lilikate.

You may wish to bring: Torches, Lanterns, Fireworks and any other bright object.  A guide about the event on the 12th will be posted to LOTROPlayers, LOTRO.com (player run events), LMB forums are also issued with a copy.



The Route through Breeland

The Midgewater Marshes–$1 750


The Route through the Lone Lands.

Weathertop–$2 000

Harloeg–$2 500


Through the Trollshaws.

Bilbo’s Trolls, Trollshaws–$3 000

Bruinen River, Trollshaws–$4 000

Rivendell, Last Homely House–$5 000



Competitions are due to close soon (not the treasure hunt) please send in your entries by the 12th October please.




[button link=”http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/14/fellowship-walk-2013-competition-list/” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Competitions[/button]

[button link=”http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/25/live-auctions/” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Auctions[/button]

[button link=”http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/21/fellowship-walk-donations-open/” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Donate to Child’s Play.[/button]

[button link=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/103604804@N04/” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] More Screenshots[/button]


 A Final Word:

A few things I would like to stress, although this is a charity event where we are trying very hard to reach our goal of $5000.  Our LOTRO event is open to all players, we would feel rotten if players stayed away from all our prepared fun just because they are unable to contribute money.  Please join in! and remember LOTRO is a game, lets have fun together! supporting this great cause in whatever way we can.

If you feel you would like to contact a member of LOTROPlayers.com about this event.

Please feel free to email: Lilikatebuggins@gmail.com



Somewhere in the world a child will be happier because of what we did today.
Screenshot by Alesel.



fireworkstree - Copy

The Beaux Chapeaux. Screenshot by Katinas.



10 thoughts on “Fellowship Walk Progress and Announcements.”

  1. Wow! So many great pictures also! It was a pleasure to be part of such a gathering and I’d help again anytime, anyway I can Miss Lilikate! Thank you very much!

      1. That’s a shame, How about the 24th at 6pm EST?
        (I am considering making the date and time info even bigger and bolder now).

  2. Amazing article for a great cause…

    Great pics too 🙂

    I will try and join in this Saturday but my own little ones are just so demanding at those times…

    1. Why not turn the game on at 1.30pm, leave the game on and enjoy the music? You and the wee ones can hobbit dance like Lizzy likes to do 🙂

  3. Great article Lilikate.

    Yes, I was able to join last week and hopefully will be again this week. I am still busy unpacking now and trying to find my coffee machine. I know it is in a box here somewhere 😀

    See you in the morning for me for the next leg. 🙂

    Have fun!

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