Turbine Scheduled Maintenance Monday Oct. 7, 5AM – 12PM Eastern

Sapience took to the forums to announce some downtime on Monday Oct 7th

All Turbine Game servers, forums, and myaccount.turbine.com will be unavailable on Monday October 7, 2013 from 5:00AM Eastern Time (-4 GMT) until 12:00PM Eastern Time (-4 GMT) for scheduled maintenance.


Sounds like this is back-end standard server type maintenance. So no updates or patch notes.


So, what to do during this downtime, here are few things you can consider

  1. Get caught up on the LOTRO player news podcast! http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/category/podcasts/lotro-players-news/
  2. Bid on some auctions for our fellowship walk and help support Child’s Play! http://lotroplayers.mymiddleearth.com/2013/09/25/live-auctions/
  3. Watch The Battle Of Helm’s Deep with a twist.. (Spoiler Alert – It’s Legos!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WflM7m343k


How will you spend your downtime??

3 thoughts on “Turbine Scheduled Maintenance Monday Oct. 7, 5AM – 12PM Eastern”

  1. I just now realized this is a 7 hour downtime. That is assuming everything goes to plan. I would imagine this is some prep work for Helm’s Deep but I guess you never really know.

  2. I believe they are addressing issues that have been occurring, where some landscape features and models are not loading properly.

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