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LOTRO Store Sales: 4th-10th October.



Free Sample of the Week


100% XP Boost (1hour) x1

Use Coupon Code YEHXP 1/Account

Lilikate Says: It is all about the XP this week! 🙂


Store Sales:


Expansion Quests 20% Off

695-1,495 556-1,196

Choose a LOTRO Expansion Quest from the LOTRO Store and continue the journey to defeat the endless evil that runs rampant through Middle-earth!

Rohan: Over 400 quests & deeds for levels 75-85

Moria: Over 350 quests, seven full fellowship instances (Dark Delvings, Fil Gashan, Skûmfil, The Sixteenth Hall, The Forges of Khazad-dûm, The Grand Stair, and The Forgotten Treasury), and two 12-person raids (Dâr Narbugud and The Vile Maw) for levels 51 – 60

Mirkwood: Over 150 quests, 3 three-person instances (Dungeons of Dol Guldur, Sword-hall of Dol Guldur, Warg-pens of Dol Guldur), one full fellowship instance (Sammath Gûl), and one 12-person raid (Barad Guldur) for levels 61 – 65

Isengard: Over 375 quests and over 40 deeds for levels 66-75


Store Location: Accounts → Quests & Content → Quest Packs

Levels: 51+


Lilikate Says: It’s all about getting characters ready for the new expansion. I really like seeing quest packs on sale. I just took a look on my f2p account and found the quest packs at these prices: 

Mirkwood     695 556

150+ Quests 4 Instances 1 Raid  for levels 61-65

Moria        1495 1196

350+ Quests 7 Instances 2 Raids for levels 51-60

Isengard      1495 1196

375+ Quests for levels 66-75

Rohan    1495 1196

400+ Quests for levels 75-85



100% XP Boost (1Hour) 20% Off

150-600 120-480

Get more for your time with a 100% bonus to character, legendary item, and war-steed experience! Experience is earned from killing monsters & completing quests. This effect will last for 1 hour. Single and 5-stacks available.




Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP

Levels: 10+

Lilikate Says: XP week is in full swing! If your in a rush to get to cap by November than why not buy a boost? I like this boost as it levels LI’s and Steeds.


Enhanced XP Supply 20% Off

75 60

Increase your enhanced experience supply and battle on! Enhanced XP Supply is displayed as a blue section of your experience bar, and does not have a time-limit. Even stacks with other XP Boosts. Single and 10-stacks available.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP

Levels: 7+

Lilikate Says: More blue bar if your looking to hurry advancement. I wouldn’t buy this but then I am not in a hurry to get to cap.


Outriders Token 20% Off

495 396

Get more credit for your kills! Use this permanent pocket item to grant your character a +25% bonus experience towards monster kills when equipped. This item binds to your character when equipped. Note: Players who purchased the Riders of Rohan Pre-Order Legendary Edition or Heroic Edition automatically receive this item on all characters, and should not buy it.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP

Levels: 1-74

Lilikate Says: Pretty pocket item to add more xp to monster kills. I think it may sell better if it added something also to quest completions.




Also: Steed of the Guardian, Steed of the Minstrel, and Obsidian Steed.



So choosing from XP or quest packs would make a very boring poll so this week I will ask you all which is your preferred  Quest Pack.

How should the battle at Pelennor Fields be depicted?

View Results

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Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales: 4th-10th October.”

  1. Just a quick note – you can currently barter for the Outrider’s token at the bounders token barterers in Michel Delving. It’s 100 bounders tokens. I believe it is bound to character to make sure you barter with the toon you intend to use it on 🙂

  2. That’s true!

    Also worth a look there for other goodies such as the universal took kit, and the xp boosts too. Correct me if I am wrong!

  3. Strange: Store Sale and Bounders Token Juxtaposition…

    Really looks like turbine have forgotten they have the bounders bag event on!

    Will be getting 1 outrider’s token for Tsuhelm on Windfola but not from the store…

  4. Well this is the 3rd week in a row I got what I asked for :-D, bought Rohan
    Now it has to be skirms, they haven’t been on sale in a long time, other than that a juicy sale (at least 40%) on all the bits and pieces would be good for me, 6th bag slot/guild/shared storage/legendary slots and I would buy vult upgrades if they were account wide, obviously being character wide they are a rip off, something else I would pay some money for is the ability to mine and gather wood on horse back everywhere but with an animation I don’t like sitting there doing nothing if i’m supposed to be doing something, another thing I would pay for is extra active quest lots, 5 is really low, you should put the limit to 15 and sell them account wide for 95TPs

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