The problem with being late in the alphabet is that you often find yourself last in line. Today, Turbine finally concluded their class Developer Diary series with the Warden, the master of the gambit.
The first thing to note is that the warden will continue to be the master of the gambit. The bulk of these gambits will be awarded by level rather than through the trees (meaning that they are available regardless of your specialty). There will be some gambits that will be earned through the trees (such as Exaltation of Battle, which will be earned through the Determination tree) but that will be the exception rather than the rule.
Second, the Assailment stance will no longer have a minimum range. Instead, you will develop a ranged attack debuff as you are attacked in melee combat (the longer you are hit by melee attacks, the larger the debuff would be). Therefore, you should be able to finish off your ranged gambit before you switch from the ranged stance (Assailment) to the melee stance (In the Fray). That seems like a much less annoying way to handle the situation than the current implementation.
I do wonder about the following clause, “but we’ve also made a concerted effort to trim down the number of Gambits and skills you’ll have to memorize and store on your hotbars.” If I am lucky, the gambits that are being dropped are the ones that I never quite memorized in the first place. But as for skills in the hotbar, the last time I checked the warden wasn’t known for having a full bar.
They mention nothing about the Might grace period ending but I think it is safe to assume that the days of double-dipping in agility and might would be over.
How will we fair to other classes? It appears that wardens will continue to have an array of gambits, so the class is not being fundamentally changed. I also expect at least a bit of a nerf considering that wardens are currently on the powerful side (partly due to the grace period). In any case, I also expect the warden to be my most played class even after Helm’s Deep is released.
May your shield protect you and your spear never break,
Pineleaf Needles