Fellowship Walk Event Guide: Sat 5th October.




Last Saturday we finished walking and had a game of “How many players can we get into Tom’s House before the server goes crazy?” That was fun!     Oh! the answer was about 60 🙂

At the time of writing this guide we have not raised enough funds to continue walking. But we have raised $1135, making us fairly close the total for the Barrow Downs walk.

Here are our targets: $1250-The Barrow Downs  $1500-Bree Town   $1750-Midgewater Marshes  $2000-Weathertop.

I shall be optimistic and hope for a total of $1500. Who wants a party on the Barrows? Miserable place that is!


We will meet at Tom Bombadil’s House

If you have trouble getting there, please say so in /regional and some one will escort you. We have a fabulous security team!



You will need:

A Slappy-Fish or Handy Emote (optional)

A wise bit of advice for a silly hobbit-lass. (optional)

A short poem (optional)



The Plan:


1.30pm: The Beaux Chapeaux will be playing for the gathering crowd.

2.00pm:  This Saturday we begin at Tom’s house. Announcements by Lilikate and Other LOTROPlayers staff.

2.15pm:  Begin our walk along the road to the Barrow Downs, we will be passing the small camp of brave souls but we won’t be stopping.

2.20pm:  Enter the Barrow Downs, as we pass Lalia the day dreaming, cloak leaving young hobbit. I will form the head of a cue. This cue will dispense sound advice punctuated with a handy emote. The walk will move slowly onward until everyone has had a “turn”. Pineleaf will be recording this special event! 🙂

2.30pm:  We will continue to our Barrow where we will review our total amount raised. Hopefully we will have managed enough donations to walk onward to Bree Town. If not we will have more music and a few poems here at the Barrow. (chilly).

2.40pm:  Being the optimist that I am, I will continue the plan. At 2.40-2.50 we will start walking to Bree.

3.10pm:  Arriving at the Prancing Pony we will offer the stage to anyone with a shortish poem to share. Lilikate will give closing announcements with other LP staff members.

3.20pm:  After the Poetry event the band The Beaux Chapeaux will play for us for another 30 minutes.

3.50pm: End of Event.


Please be aware that all plans have a habbit of going terribly, horribly, and utterly wrong. In this circumstance prepare to follow Lilikate as she improvises!

Keep calm and eat the free pies!

If you have any good screenshots send them to lilikatebuggins@gmail.com I may feature them in my after event article!

Weta Parchment Map


Don’t forget the Treasure Hunt with this wonderful Parchment Map as the prize!

All Fellowship Walk 2013 Competitions can be easily found through the camera graphic on the home page of LOTROPlayers.com



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