Fellowship Walk 2013: Leg 2 and Forte’s Scavenger Scramble

What can I say that hasn’t already been said about this leg of the Fellowship Walk? What a day it was indeed! As many know, the walk and the subsequent Live Auctions and requested donations are to raised funds for the Child’s Play foundation, that provides fun and games to children in the hospitals. As of this walk, $500 of the $5,000 target has been raised. Hurray!

First of all, I was to put on Forte’s Scavenger Scramble, to take part following the Walk. Secondly, but the excellent Rick Heaton, Community Manager of LOTRO has granted us 1000 codes to give away which will give you the account wide title of:

“The Unexpected Traveler”

This title will be usable on all characters and on all servers. If you walked the 1st  and/or 2nd leg you are eligible for the Title. Please see the Title article for details here.  Those who have not yet received their code but have contacted staff for it, will do so in the next few days.

Last week during the first leg of the walk, fellow “Unexpected Travelers” began their trek which would lead in the footsteps of Frodo himself as he escaped the Shire with the ring that shall not be spoken of, and would continue so till they arrive in Rivendell. Each weeks destination is dependent on how much has been raised up to that point. While the walk is in progress, more donations would be counted. If a new milestone is reached while the walk is underway, then the Walkers would continue on to the next location.

Leaving from Bag End, with its still unwashed dishes that Lobella Sacksville-Baggins promised to wash, and after a Warden salute to Pineleaf needles for the work provided, the Walkers made their trek till they arrived at 33.5 s 69.0 w Green Hill Country, Tookland, The Shire. This point corresponded to the $250+ raised thus far up to that point.

With this second leg, everyone gathered at the same end location. Knowing what to expect, many were at ease with everything. With a bit of music beneath the tree, more people gathered. This weeks walk included two new exciting prospects for everyone involved.

Everyone gathered in an orderly fashion up the hill and Walk Leg 2set out along the road heading east. With a long stream of hobbits, elves, men, and dwarves stretch far down the winding road, the soft patter of feet,and the clomping of mounted color guard thwomped on.

En-route to the next target destination after reaching $500 donations during the week, the best part of the trip took place. While the walk was in progress, another $250+ was raised. This was acquired in a matter of only an hour! This extended the day’s walk to Frodo’s house in Crickhollow.

As the wayfarers continued on, news of “Black Riders” along the road were reported! This put Security on alert, and fear into everyone else. To protect the gentle folk, a detour of the road into the Shire wilderness took place. Pushing into brush, soft music was heard in the distance, as they came upon an strange site in the Shire. A few lone Elves in a glade. Tired and hungry, the walkers accepted the invitation of the majestic elves, and followed them to their nearby camp. With welcomed smiles, a warm fire, and soothing music played by more elves, everyone rested, now safe from certain doom.

With a much needed rest, and having reached the donation milestone for the next destination, the ever persistent adventures continued on, now rejoining the road. Their next step was to cross the Brandywine as fast as ask safely as possible to get far from the “Black Riders” that awaited their leaving of the safety of the camp. The group made their way as quick as possible through Farmer Maggot’s, sneaking passed and over his dogs careful not to wake them. After arriving at the Buckleberry Ferry Dock, the fellows set off fireworks to keep the riders away. With the arrival of the Ferry, the group of 50+ trekkers floated “swam” acrossed, till they were safely on the other side in Buckland.

Continuing on as they wound their way through the hobbit holes of this Breeland populated hobbit town, they all arrived at Frodo’s house in Crickhollow. But, the story does not end there…folks.

While enroute from the Elf camp, the community came together yet again! As the donation counter kept going up, by the time they made it to Frodo’s…over $1,000 was received, which was the milestone needed to trek to Tom Bambadil’s house deep within the darkened Old Forest!

Yet again, and thanks to the supportive community, the excitable journeyers endeavored on into the forest as a purple hue permeated the air. They wound their way in an ever growing trail of walkers, picking up more travelers en-route, until reaching and resting at Bald Hill. Climbing the slope to the top, everyone peered off seeing the distant edge of the forest. Some even thought they could see their own houses!  After a bit of rest, they climbed back down and push further into the thick forest, as trees and roots creaked around them.

Walking downhill to the nearby stream, the group encountered a strange and odd tree, that seemed to move and grown as if it was alive! Could this have been the very tree spoken of in Shire pubs that same have come to name “Old Man Willow”? After posing for a “portrait” in front of this lifelike tree towering behind them, they wavered on, crossing the stream.

Finding and trail leading back up towards the light, they climbed up. Finding a lone house surrounded by gardens on the edge of the forest, they spotted a figure dancing about and singing! This must be Tom Bombadil himself! With Tom inviting everyone inside for tea and scones, everyone crammed through the door. How many people can you fit in Tom’s house? So far, atleast 70!

I want to give a special mention to the “Security Chicken“, who followed along the way!

And with a few zone changes, and lag effects felt through out the Shire and Breeland,
“we take no responsibility for the destruction of your computers.”

Tom Bobadils house reached the 2nd walk of the Fellowship Walk. This walk which was only thought to last no more then 30 minutes, including the stops and talks, lasted for over 2 hours. We reached 2 additional milestones due to the generous contributions of a community like you!

Next week’s walk will begin at Tom Bombadil’s house on the edge of the Old Forest. It is easier accessed by coming in through the Barrow Downs and entering the forest on it’s edge rather then weaving through the danger of the forest itself. How far it goes is all up to you!

If  anyone has “Slappy Fish”, please bring them next week!

As of this article, $1,045 has been raised.

Help us reach our next goal by Donating and bidding on Auctions

You can also still take part in the Competitions

New Fellowship Walk Giveaway Goals until 10/5!

Fellowship Walk $750 and $1000 Goal Giveaways!


Forte’s Scavenger Scramble

Following this very successful walk, raising $500 in just a few hours, we took on the role of “Child’s Play” here, as I hosted a scavenger hunt!

ScreenShot01471Participants gathered outside Tom Bombadil’s. Ten Clue-keepers were stationed at points in both the Shire and Breeland. Each would give a clue and an item to those who arrived, collecting the item they received from the previous location. The first person to reach the last location, and race back to me in front of Tom’s wins! Even with a few snacks and some stuck on a few of the clues, it ended with a great success.

With only 8 people making it through to the end, and 4 not making it past the Shire clues, we have our winners!

Vethlo, Ametistah and Tule

In 3rd Place,
is awarded 60 Fireworks, 10 Pies,
10 Ale, 10 Pipeweed, 20 Rose Dyes and 3 Gold.

In 2nd Place,
receives 60 Fireworks, 25 pies, 25 Ale,
25 Pipeweed, a decorative Full Rohan Tapestry and 7 Gold.

And for the quickest return and in 1st Place!
recieves a heaping 60 Fireworks, 50 Pies, 50 Ale, 50 Pipeweed,
a decorative Rohan Chair and Three Shields and 10 Gold.

 I would like to give a special thanks to LOTROPlayers.com, Groowanderer, Aringrim, Dannigan, Esyae, Azca, Tinki,  Whittle, Lilikate and Alesel for all their donations and support!

 I would also like to thank our volunteer clue-keepers, Bredouille, Lilikate, Flyt, Tromblon, Flibustier, Alesel, Whimsey, Esya, Cairaen, Erklor and  Flamebite.

SEE all the images from the Walk and Scavenger

2 thoughts on “Fellowship Walk 2013: Leg 2 and Forte’s Scavenger Scramble”

  1. This was an amazing event! Thanks to all who attended and supported our cause. I also wish to thank Forte for an excellent after Walk event! Both were quite remarkable.

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