Windy Acres Steed Unlock Auction





Here is an outstanding auction, bought to us by the very generous donations from the Lonely Mountain Band and Windy Acres Ranch.  I present you with the Steed Unlock Pack.


[wpauction id=”37″ /]

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

8 thoughts on “Windy Acres Steed Unlock Auction”

  1. A quick note about emailing the reputation items —

    There are so many items that they cannot all be mailed at once, as the recipient’s in-game mailbox will become full. If you request delivery by mail, you will need to retrieve items from mail as they arrive, so that there is room for me to send more.

    If you prefer to receive the items by trade and don’t have enough free bag space, you can always drag the reputation items to your hotbar and use them immediately, making room for more stacks of items.

    In addition to unlocking horses, the Kindred reputation status will also give you purchase and travel discounts, access to special items, and advance the World Renowned meta-deed.

    Finally, once again, these items are only available on the Landroval server.

  2. Congratulations Tinylea! Thanks for such swift payment too!
    I am sure Kira and you can hook up and start passing along those items! I hope you have lots of storage!

  3. I think the exchange can be arranged Tinylea if you would like to send a Landroval message to Kiralynn we can begin transferring your items.

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