Turbine Announces TP Pricing for Helm’s Deep Expansion

Today on Twitter, Turbine revealed the Turbine Point pricing of the upcoming Helm’s Deep expansion pack.



As the tweet reads, the expansion will be available in the in-game LOTRO store at the cost of 4295 TP. This is the entire expansion, so the epic story will be included along with all epic battles. This is the same Turbine Point pricing used for the Riders of Rohan expansion pack last year.

I’ve already purchased the expansion, so I won’t be using Turbine Points, but I’m glad to see that they were able to keep the pricing the same as last year. So, for those of you who rely on Turbine Points as the method for content purchases, now you’ve got something to shoot for!

Braxwolf Stormchaser

4 thoughts on “Turbine Announces TP Pricing for Helm’s Deep Expansion”

  1. Speaking as someone who is limiting themselves to buying HD with TP, I’m okay with this pricing in theory. At the very least it’s not more than RoR, as that would have had me concerned.

    Of course it may or may not be good value depending on how the Epic Battles system turns out.

    With some grinding sessions and my last VIP stipends I should have enough. ^_^

  2. I bought ROR with TP and I think this price is reasonable. I have already bought my preorder but I would happily paid this amount for what I think is going to be an EPIC expansion.

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