Dear Gentle Folks,
Here is a chance to have a unique LOTRO experience! I, Lilikate offer the winner of this auction a custom made special episode of Lilikate’s Creatures.
What is even better is that the winner of this auction gets to choose which animals and which regions they would like their episode to be in.
I’d even go to dangerous places but you must understand, dying often makes the process of creating an episode that much longer
So I encourage you to bid! In the process of helping sick children you are also creating a very memorable experience.
Lilikate Buggins.
[wpauction id=”38″ /]
Yay I got a bid! Thanks Blue/Pinestro!
not me!
Jestro would you still like to donate your bid too and I will gladly custom make you an episode!
It is for charity after all…
Stupid me! I thought it was over! Noooo keep bidding!
LOL Nooooo…stop bidding, I want to win!
The offer I gave before, I wish to offer again.
If Andang Donates $20 through the widgit I will custom create a character of his a Lilikate’s Creatures.
If Pinestro donates $13 dollars I will create an episode of a character of her choosing too.
Leave the reason of your donation in the comments section of the donation widgit please. No pressure though if you’d rather not!
Oh and Me ‘n Blue are going Oliphant Spotting!