LOTRO Players News Episode 14: Dye Colors

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This week we started the Fellowship Walk and so we have plenty of LOTRO Players news to talk about!

Game News

Lore-master Dev Diary

Minstrel Dev Diary

Facebook Giveaway

Helm’s Deep Can Now Be Gifted

New LOTRO Market Bundles

Store Sales

Free Sample: Enhanced XP supply x1 (SUPXP)

20% Off

Riding Traits

Premium Wallet Upgrade

XP Disabler

Rejuvenation Potions

Universal Morale and Power Potions

Housing Decorations

LOTRO Players News

The Fellowship Walk!

Donations Open!

Donation Tier Giveaways!

Active Giveaways!


WETA – The One Ring!

WETA – Disturber of the Peace

Mega Dye Pack

Grid 2


Birthday Kickoff Party!

Over 200 People!

Progress (Sept. 23rd-28th)

Broadcast Archives

Party and first walk

LOTRO Academy: 85 – A Fellowship Walking

An Unexpected Vidcast 12

A Parade and Symphony of Lights

Common Raid Mechanics

Walking into Mordor

Wildermore Video Series


This show is brought to you by Amazon.com.  Use the widget on the side of the site on any purchase to help support LOTRO Players.

This show is also sponsored by WETA Workshop.  Use the code WALK13 on checkout for 10% off your purchase.  This code is now valid until the end of the walk on October 24th.


A big thanks to everyone who has donated to the Fellowship Walk!

A big thanks to Flosiin of Windfola for his $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players!

“Hi everyone. I just want to thank you so much for helping make LOTRO so strong. I’m proud of how much everyone helps each other out in and out of the game.”

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Final Thoughts

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern).  You can join us by clicking on LIVE in the top right corner or by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the chat by following the directions on that page.

Join us for The Fellowship Walk!  You can go the the LIVE page and click the link to the special Fellowship Walk LIVE area.  Click here for a complete schedule!

Thanks for watching!

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 14: Dye Colors”

    1. Yes it is! There is a link to it under “Follow LOTRO Players” or you can search for “LOTRO'” or “LOTRO Players” or “LOTRO Players News”

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