Nan Amlug East–Daily Screenshots

Nan Amlug East–Daily Screenshots post thumbnail image

The area of Nan Amlug East in the North Downs can be seen from atop this hill.

My favorite element of this pic is the ancient warning pyre found among the hills.

This place had no name. It is simply a detail that is a wonderful addition to the game.



Daily Screenshots is an interesting picture picked by Spridra that is released every day.  If you have an awesome screenshot send it to me at  Your screenshot could end up on this segment of LotRO Players.  I can’t wait to see what you are able to create!

2 thoughts on “Nan Amlug East–Daily Screenshots”

  1. I remember spying that pyre up there and being so excited to climb that mount to reach it, just knowing that there would be a deed associated with it… but there wasn’t 🙁 It is a great treasure, I wish there were more pyres to be found in the landscape like that.

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