Walking Into Mordor

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It has been said that one does not simply walk into Mordor

That is just what Fordo and Sam did! After the first of our Fellowship Walks, I was wondering how far would one have to walk if you were to walk into Mordor

So, With the help of the The Atlas of Middle-Earth by Karen W. Fonstad. Let’s take a look and see how far our walk would be.

For the record it’s 1779 miles between Hobbiton to Mount Doom

Let’s break it all down shall we :

  • It’s a 458 mile: From Bag End to Rivendell.
  • We Travel 462 miles with the Fellowship from Rivendell to Lothlorien.
  • We have to walk 389 miles through the dark of  Moria and down the Anduin from Lothlorien to Rauros Falls.
  • Tired yet? We are not done!
  • 355 miles with  Merry and Pippin from Rauros to Isengard.
  • Let’s check with the rest of the fellowship : 484 miles: Follow the path of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli from Rauros to Isengard.
  • Back to Mr Frodo it’s 470 miles: Follow Frodo and Sam on the quest from Rauros to Mt. Doom.
  • And We have a 517 mile  Ride with Gandalf and Pippin from Isengard to Minas Tirith.
  • And now we have a 786 mile Travel with Aragorn from Isengard to Dunharrow through the Paths of the Dead to Minas Tirith.
  • This is a tiring journey! 578 miles: Ride with Merry and the Rohirrim from Isengard to Dunharrow to Edoras to Minas Tirith.
  • Now we have 138 miles: Follow Aragorn from Minas Tirith to the Morannon.
  • All Most there!!! 120 miles: Return for Aragorn’s crowning from the Morannon to Minas Tirith.
  • 1625 miles: Take the road home with the hobbits from Minas Tirith to Hobbiton.
  • 535 miles from Minas Tirith to Isengard
  • 693 miles from Isengard to Rivendell.
  • 397 miles from Rivendell to Bag End.
  • And just for fun, if we want to Follow Mr Frodo to the Grey Havens 467 miles and return home with Sam.

Are your curious as to how far the Bilbo and the Dwarves walked in the hobbit?

For the record  they had a 967 mile journey :

  • 397 miles: Travel with Bilbo from Bag End to Rivendell.
  • 570 Miles: Travel with Bilbo from Rivendell to Lonely Mountain.


I don’t know about you, but after just reading about all that walking I am tired and want some carbohydrates. now where did I put my Lembas bread

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