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A Note About Auctions.

Hullo Everyone


I wanted to bring light to an issue that has arisen after the Auction List post.

Mysteri posted a list of Auctions with links for you all to read. Not all of these auctions are live yet!

If you click on an auction and it does not have a bidding widgit, then that auction has still to be published.

We have until the 24th of October for our Fellowship Walk 2013 event, and will be posting new auctions over the coming weeks.

If there is an auction you are interested in and cannot find the date it is due to be published. Pop and note in the comments and I will rummage in the post basket and find the date it is due to begin. 🙂

We are addressing the issue of the live posts not being clearly displayed on the front page. Need to feed our resident coder and buy him a beer or three. Then ask him kindly to work some magic for us!


Any questions, pop it in the comments.




Lilikate Buggins

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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