Wildermore Video Series

After several months, several voices and several deaths; I have finally finished my Wildermore series!  To complete the series, it took 52 videos that each averaged out to twenty minutes which created over 17 hours of content.  I am still amazed by the amount of loss that takes place in Wildermore.  While there was plenty of loss, I had a lot of fun creating this series.  I hope you all enjoy it!  I plan to continue this series with Helm’s Deep and the zones beyond.

All 52 videos

The final battle (Part 52)

Wildermore Fan Trailer

A big thanks to everyone who has supported my YouTube channel over the last year!  Also thank you to everyone who visits and supports LOTRO Players!

4 thoughts on “Wildermore Video Series”

  1. I’m saving these up to watch. I’ve not been to Wildermore yet. Once I have I plan to sit through all 52!

  2. Andang did a really nice job with the series. I admire his dedication (52 episodes!), although you can tell that he had a lot of fun recording it. If you’ve done the zone, you know how interesting the storyline is, and it was fun watching someone else’s reaction to it. BTW, despite the number of episodes, they are generally 20 minutes or less, in easy to consume intervals.

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