Grand Stand: Muckin Fuddle

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Muckin FuddleIt is always a fine thing to see grand new faces in the realm of Landroval! Especially, if they heed my warnings and leave my pie alone! There is no exception for this fine band. All 8 members pulled up roots and moved over to Landroval on the day of this interview from the realm of Gilrain.

With an odd assortment of Hobbits, Men, Dwarves and Elves, this collection of misfit minstrels make up a hodgepodge of musical interests and personalities.

With so many bands out there, what prompted you go start your own?
Flamebite says, ‘Es’
Unwilfric says, ‘es’
Erklor says, ‘es’
Raymondd says, ‘es’
Wheelybloke says, ‘drugs’
Esyae says, ‘we are from girain and where he only band there’
Wheelybloke says, ‘glorious mind bending drugs’
Esyae says, ‘lol thanks guys’
Erklor says, ‘pretty much yes we were the only ones playing there’

So you are from the server of Girain. What made you decide to come to Landroval?
Sherbertdip says, ‘es’
Littlehope says, ‘es’
Flamebite says, ‘Es’
Flamebite says, ‘xD’
Raymondd says, ‘es dragged us over’
Esyae says, ‘whasnt me lol’
Littlehope begins to smoke.
Erklor says, ‘I am sad to say it but I think Gilrain is dying :(‘
Wheelybloke says, ‘blackmail’

Is Girain for a specific country?
Erklor says, ‘it is a european server but all ppl are welcome’
Esyae says, ‘all eu most netherlands and uk’

What made you decide to name the band Muckin Fuddle?
Esyae says, ‘erklor’
Flamebite says, ‘yeti, the boss’
Wheelybloke says, ‘blackmail’
Erklor says, ‘um most of the time we are in a muddle so it kinda fit the outfit’
Esyae says, ‘kin whas called that’

How long have you all been together, and how many of you are original members?
Flamebite says, ‘me’
Raymondd says, ‘me’
Unwilfric says, ‘its complicated’
Flamebite says, ‘7 or 8, is all of us’
Esyae says, ‘all :)’
Esyae says, ‘muckin fuddle meens to confuse and create chaos out of order’
Unwilfric says, ‘that means we are the only truth’

How long have you been together?
Esyae says, ‘about 2/3 years now’
Erklor says, ‘Es and I have been together in kin for 2 years plus and the others filtered in along the way. I am the original founder of teh kin along with two others who have now left us’

Do you compose or transcribe your own music?
Erklor says, ‘no’
Raymondd says, ‘nope’
Esyae says, ‘still learning’

What genre does your band like to play the most?
Esyae says, ‘all sorts what ever the mood is in’
Wheelybloke says, ‘blues and rock and roll and thrash metal’
Raymondd says, ‘heavy metal’
Unwilfric says, ‘me likes country’
Erklor says, ‘I did manage to compose one once and it was reasonably successful but I never pursued the creation of the music’
Esyae says, ‘pie song :D’
Erklor says, ‘we will play anything and everything that will keep a crowd entertained’

Do you regularly hold public concerts? And if so, when and where?
Erklor says, ‘Es is the event organizer’
Esyae says, ‘we did sometimes in gilrain but here we are new’
Unwilfric says, ‘its called master’
Unwilfric says, ‘she says do and we do’
Esyae says, ‘we will do concerts on landroval’

Do you play to try and play at local venues like Ales & Tales, and the different Taverns?
Esyae says, ‘as a EU band we have a hard time being at everything as it is mostly late but we try to’
Erklor says, ‘all of our events so far have been held in bree but we are open to new venues’
Wheelybloke says, ‘but we cant play the forgotten inn as we are band from that alehouse for fighting’

Do you then plan to hold Concerts during your European hours then for the Europeans and such on the time schedule could come and watch?
Esyae says, ‘already been asked by keli for okt so we look forwards to play there’
Raymondd says, ‘then we need to practice’

Do you do other events like Weddings, Multi-band Concerts, Private engagements?
Esyae says, ‘we didnt do that yet but we can do’
Raymondd says, ‘i want an wedding’
Wheelybloke says, ‘littlehope does private events’
Flamebite says, ‘lol’
Wheelybloke says, ‘and flambite is a poledancer’

You say, ‘Do you perform with a band outfit? If so, how did you decide what to wear?’
Esyae says, ‘i make it just see how it looks :)’
Flamebite says, ‘ssst not tell’
Erklor says, ‘Es is the kin Tailor and provides the outfits for all’

You say, ‘What is your favorite part of performing music?’
Esyae says, ‘entertain people’
Wheelybloke says, ‘the groupies’
Raymondd says, ‘having fun’
Esyae says, ‘eat pie’
Erklor says, ‘entertainment for all including us’
Flamebite says, ‘earn money’
Wheelybloke says, ‘the free bar helps’
Esyae says, ‘flame :p’
If you could say one thing to encourage others to start playing music, what would it be?
Esyae says, ‘have fun do hat you want to do :D’
Erklor says, ‘everything needs to be tried at least once.’
Sherbertdip says, ‘u cant be any worse than wheelybloke’
Wheelybloke says, ‘thanks dip’
Esyae says, ‘true he is or bass player and always drunk’

Excellent! I want to thank you all for taking the time for this interview! Welcome to Landroval!
Erklor says, ‘Thank you for taking the time to meet us :)’

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