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Fellowship Walk Start-up Party Goes Off with a Blast!

It was a fine colorful dusk as the sun slowly sank below the far horizon. Birthday celebrations went on through out the shire as stories of adventures were being told in Hobbiton-Bywater. As freshly bake pies and muffins lofted such a lovely scent from nearly every window sill, people gathered at the Party Tree on the Hill. But, this gathering was not JUST for the birthday of Mr. Frodo Baggins. No sir!

Everyone gathered at the Party Tree in the Shire to celebrate the kick off of the Fellowship Walk, is raising money for the Child’s Play charity organization.

This organization raises funds to help children of all kinds recover from illness, getting what ever help they can.

Free Peoples of all types and sizes showed their support in this very meaningful event. Bigguns and Littleones, showed up wearing their best, and often bizarre attire!

ScreenShot00785It is always a grand thing, to celebrate with a variety of great musicians! Who better to kick it off then some of the talented bands recently that performed at Weatherstock 2013! Music lovers got to enjoy the musical bardic weaving of The Shades, Animal House, Bright Star, Les Beaux Chapeaux, among others!

With fireworks, drinking, eating, and a general feel of coming together, the night went on as cheer permeated the leaves of the Party Tree raining natures confetti on the hobbins of everyone around.

ScreenShot00864With much hoopala and ale swinging, the night moved on to to a bit of fun an gamed for everyone to partake in. Ms. Lilikate entertained the audience with a bit of trivia! With everyone throwing out their answers for each question. I think pie was one of the most popular answers, despite it having nothing to do with the question. The party took place in the Shire after all! The first to correctly answer the questions were welcomed on stage to claim their prizes! They all received 500 sp, plus such things as old rusted swords, huge axes, beautiful shirts, and other fancy dealies!  A special thanks to Ceirea and Baeleigh of Riders of the Wesfold.

But, that was not all for the night! In addition to fireworks, ale, and pie being handed out for all to enjoy, the festivities continued with a runway show of the outfits being worn out in the crowd! With stead fast strutting, and beautiful posing, each took the stage, strutting their stuff, for the glee and excitement of the crowd.

With a fine salute to all the Elfins, Bobbins, Manins, Dorfs, and other children of Middle-Earth, Les Beaux Chapeaux took the stage and performed as the last show of the night. With the crowd cheering, and ale being tossed every which way, the show went off with a hit. The party ended with a final rain of fireworks bursting in the air over head. The Bucket Brigade stood ready in case of the tree caught fire.

For those who could not attend the event, the reply of the live feed will be available on the LOTROPlayers  twitch page in a few hours following the completion of the event. See all the images from the concert HERE.

The event was hosted by in support of the Fellowship Walk which is giving all funds donated and received via the auctions to Child’s Play.

10 thoughts on “Fellowship Walk Start-up Party Goes Off with a Blast!”

  1. Thank you! This is a fab report… I really enjoyed myself but it all went by in such a blurr of mild panic and tells.

    I am so chuffed it was a success. Thanks to all the people who helped me! We made this a party to remember 🙂

    1. /bow Thank you. I am glad it was such a great event for everybody! Just sad that Myst missed out, she has put such efforts into this fundraiser. It’s time she got to reap a little reward! Love you, Myst!

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