The Fellowship Walk 2013: Treasure Hunt.

Come join the fun!

Come join the fun!



Just when you were busy making a video of death for Myst, a poem for Pineleaf, picking outfits and taking screenshots for me. Here is another competition for you to enjoy!

A Fellowship Walk Treasure Hunt!

You have a list of clues and while we are walking along you try and find the answers to those clues.


Here is how it works

The clues are listed below… make a copy and go store them somewhere. When we cross the ford,  email the clues with your answers added to this email address:

Please include in the subject line of your email: Treasure Hunt

Finding a Winner

While you enjoy the end of walk party in Rivendell, the staff at LOTRO Players will be tallying up your answers.  Looking for the entry with the most correct responses.

In the event of a tie, I will ask a sudden death question at the party in Rivendell, the first correct answer will win the prize! So it may be a good idea to attend all of the walks and keep your eyes open and your ears attentive! As my question will be walk related.


The Prize

The winner will receive a wondrous prize! Donated to our fund raiser by WETA WORKSHOP NZ!!


The kind people WETA have been most generous in donating to the Fellowship Walk 2013 some amazing prizes.

It is one of these prizes that will be awarded to the winner of the treasure hunt.



Thanks to WETA for this very fine:  Parchment Map of Middle Earth!


Weta Parchment Map

Yes it is fab! and yes I want it 🙂 But one of you lucky people will get to hang this on your wall.


The Clues

Here is an example clue:

I am not the fastest and like to dally… My name to my friends is     A. Old Sally! 


Treasure Hunt Clues:

  1. In the east, I am nestled in, but if I have to, a journey I can begin.
  2. My master stands by and lets me snore, but be careful for if woken there be bites galore.
  3. Silently watching the river flow by, I stand vigilantly reaching into the sky
  4. If you don’t want to get wet, then I am your best bet, but seemingly absent you have to swim for the present.
  5. You were asked to join me and if you so did, under a feathered cap your hair is thus hid.
  6. Throw a penny in and wish away, but deny me the coin and your wishes will fail.
  7. Don’t give me a walking stick made from wood, just drift off to sleep if you would.
  8. I love to be happy, I love to sing. Dance with me and let the fun begin.
  9. Small and cosy, I can be, the most valuable thing if you want privacy.
  10. North, South, East or West, my arms get tired directing your quest.
  11. Always working never shirking, carries fings.
  12. Those Dwarven pests, broke me in half, so now I sit here kindling for your hearth.
  13. Cleanse the well by filling my pail and I will stay here in case you fail.
  14. Here I stand strong and tall, but now only spiders are within our walls.
  15. Found in the skies, we are not, and carved on stone we glitter not.
  16. Standing tall in the land, I am where you may make your last stand.
  17.  Green by nature, but not by sight, I will burn quickly if set alight.
  18.  Small and green, but not a tree, here I stand alone but not lonely. 
  19.  Ruined we are for the race of man, but within these crumbling walls, many orcs do span.
  20.  Ancient as the stones around we are. Our villages and tribes are scattered far. 
  21.  Many leaves have I, but not a tree. Here on the ground I lie, pick me up for free.
  22.  Needles we have, though thread we do not. Scented and alluring, prickly we are not.
  23.  We aim to be tall as the tallest trees. But young are we, so more supple we seem to be. 
  24.  Grey and brown, cold or hot, we are the larger versions of rocks. 
  25.  Dinner we would have had, but the sun came up and made the hobbit glad.
  26.  Calm and still I might be, but whether you cross is still up to me. 

Please answer carefully, as if I have to choose between two answers I will favour the most accurate to the answer I have.

Best of Luck to all those who enter! Fellowship Walk 2013 Competition Rules & Disclaimer:

All these rules have been set down and endorsed by the Mayor Will “Flourdumpling” Whitfoot. No amount of bribery or packages of sweetmeats and/or cream scones will change the outcome of the judges decision concerning the winning entry.
1. The Treasure Hunt, A Fellowship Walk 2013 competition, will run from the 23rd September 2013 to the date that we cross the Ford of Bruinen. (This depends on the funds raised).
2. The prize winning entry will be selected by the judges and announced at the in game party in Rivendell on the Landroval Server (Date to be announced). The winner will also be contacted by email from An article will also be published on LOTROPlayers announcing the winner and answers to all the clues.
3. Only the winner will be contacted personally by LOTRO Players via email.
4. Prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternatives.
5. Players must comply with all rules to be eligible for the prizes. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
6. This competition is not open to contributors of  or any person directly or indirectly involved in the organisation or running of the competition, or their direct family members.
7. LOTRO Players decision is final in every situation including any not covered above and no correspondence will be entered into.
8. LOTROPlayers reserve the right to cancel the competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control.
9. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
10. Disclaimer: We will not pass on your personal details to any other organisation. That includes any Dwarven travelling sales folks! Or bothersome data collecting Hobbits :)
11. All content for all Fellowship Walk competitions has to comply with a PG rating. No R or X-rated content will be accepted.
12. All entries will be posted on the LOTRO Players Website after the winners have been announced.  If you do not wish your entry to be published, please advise the judges in your entry email.
13. One set of answers may be entered per player.
14. WETAnz have offered to cover all costs for shipping your prize to you!







4 thoughts on “The Fellowship Walk 2013: Treasure Hunt.”

  1. This Competition is not finished until the Fellowship Walk 2013 Crosses the Ford Of Bruinen….
    Please everyone just have a stab at those clues!

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