Today Turbine released new images relating to the story of Helm’s Deep.
Here are some that stood out to me.
Here we see the people of Rohan making their way to the safety of Helm’s Deep.
Here is an amazing first look at the Glittering Caves. This image really shows how grand these caves could be with the very impressive background.
Next up is a very scary shot of multiple orcs getting ready for battle. One thing to notice is the tower of Isengard in the background. This is likely the fords of Isen.
Next we have a shot of who is likely Éowyn looking at the some weapons. One thing to notice is the amazing windows in the background.
The inside of Helm’s Deep is likely a boring place. It is a good thing these kids brought their cat. This is an impressive peak at somewhere inside Helm’s Deep.
This is a great shot of what is likely inside the tower of Helm’s Deep or some similar area. The tapestries in the background complete this shot.
Next we have a shot of Théoden and maybe Aragorn (looks a lot like him from the images in our overview) in full battle armor. This image really gets me excited for the battle to come.
There are a few more images on Turbine’s site if you want to see even more high quality screenshots about the epic story. These really excite me and I can’t wait to explore the story and the zone.
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