Symphony of Light

Symphony of Light post thumbnail image
Join in a celebration of the most honourable Hobbit, Mr. Bilbo Baggins, late of the Shire, and let dread of these dark times be driven away by an epic, excellent display of fireworks and music.Bilbo Baggins
Sons of Numenor invite all of Landroval and the Lotro Community to join them for the third “Symphony of Light” in Rivendell, September 22.  Activities begin 9pm EST and continue through the evening.
The first Symphonyof  light featured a landmark display of over 450 fireworks set-off in a continuous barrage.  The second year, the event featured over 1400 fireworks whilst in the third year, there is an expectation to expand the ozone layer hole by making 2400 fireworks light up the sky as Sons of Numenor celebrate the birthday of not only Bilbo, but also Frodo Baggins.
At 9pm, the Sons of Numenor will provide a mounted escort for all Free Peoples who wish to attend in a slow walk from Brandywine to Rivendell.  You can join in this escorted parade in an open fellowship at Stock or other areas along the way.
The party will start with a concert of Landroval’s most noted musical talents and will last the entire duration of the Fireworks display, after which there will the appearance of Bilbo Baggins himself.
For more information on this event, please follow the link to the Lotro Forums and watch the video and read the Post.  It most certainly sounds like fun and if I can be there, you know I will be 🙂
  1. How to find the events…….
    An open fellowship will be provided to provide people with a means to be summoned to the event, and to join any “layer” that generates due to the crowd. Members of Sons of Numenor will be in the Regional chat channel to assist in Rivendell.

    I am coming from another server, or I am rolling a new Alt character, how do I make it to the event?

    Easy! Our formation ride from the Golden Perch pub in The Shire, makes way through Bree, the Lone Lands, and the Troll Shaws! Join us along the way for safe travel! If you are high enough a level, hunters and captains can also summon!

    When will the show start?
    The music will begin at 10, regardless. The fireworks look best at night, and we will start the show no earlier than 10 p.m. EST, but only at the start of the nearest Night Cycle to that time. However we know that the show will end by 12 a.m. EST, come what may.

    How long will the fireworks show last……
    The show is expected to last as long as 45 minutes.

    Can I play music?
    There will be an open-mic “afterparty” in the Hall of Fire. All are welcome to take a number and play in-turn!

    Can I fire my own fireworks?

    We would appreciate it, for this event, if you NOT join us on the “rock.” Please mark your calendars for the annual “October Surprise” party in Thorins hall, which we welcome all to fire away with glee!

    Contact “Comstrike” here in the forums, or “Benjimir” in-game.

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