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New Bands! We Need You!

Hi Everyone,

I am Lilikate Buggins from Landroval, not to mention a few other servers.

If you have a new band and would like to have a little help getting “known”, if you have a band that’s been around for a while and would like to widen your fan base.

If you’d like your band to find a footing on the Landroval scene?

I Lilikate would love to hear from you! Here is what I am able to do…

I can put you in contact with some of the bigger Landroval Bands, You can share the stage with them and play to their established audience. Opening/closing acts are welcome!

I can come visit you on any server and listen to you play, take some nice screenshots. If you want I can interview your band (and yourselves) and write an article for

I can point you toward a new Events/Gig Guide ( currently in construction with a calendar of events so you can see when other folks are playing.

Don’t forget: No one owns a spot of Middle-Earth. (apart from Sauron and possibly Saruman). So where and when you play is up to you. Generally it is considered “good manners” not to overplay another bands performance.


Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

6 thoughts on “New Bands! We Need You!”

  1. Thank you so much for the plug, Lilikate 🙂

    So yeah, is a new project for all the artists out there who make great music, paintings, fashion and many other creative or outright great other things like the Fellowship Walk within or surrounding the game. It is planned to become an “Encyclopedia Artistica” (yes, I just made that term up 😀 ) for Lotro over time where you can find information about bands, musicians, painters, blogs.

    I am currently in the stage of building a great team to bring you all that content that I plan for the site and the event calendar is already working. It is meant for the whole community, all servers, all languages, all types of events.

    Feel free to plug your event. To do so send me an email with the date, time, location and a description of the event and if you have a screenshot or an advertisement/poster for it then the better! Send that too!

    Here is how you can contact us:

    Twitter: @LotroArtists

    1. Hey there.

      I totally support this idea. When we began planning the Walk this year, it was mentioned that we were conflicting with another event. Unfortunately, we can’t do much about it and honestly, didn’t even know the other event existed. So having the calendar is going to be soooo awesome.

      Thanx Floradine for taking the time to co-ordinate it. I know it isn’t easy 🙂 You’re a star 🙂

      Have fun

  2. Yes will be useful in so many ways. I am really looking forward to using the big calendar to find new bands.

    Thank you Floradine for all the trouble you have taken to provide this service to the LOTRO community.

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