This year’s 2nd annual Guildlaunch Dragonslayer awards featured a few nominees from Lord of the Rings online, but one very large winner stood out among the crowd. Congratulations to LOTRO kinship The Lonely Mountain Band for being voted Best Gaming Guild/Team or Clan! The Lonely Mountain Band is a Landroval kinship most noted for their organization of the annual Weatherstock event, but is also involved in many other social and musical events in LOTRO land.
You can catch the entire awards show here. It’s almost SFW, with the exception of one word uttered by one of the award recipients.
Congratulations again to The LMB for this honor!

LMB founder John DeBartolo accepts Dragonslayer award
Congrats to LMB! Sounds like they are doing some great things.
Hey there…
Yay LMB! Yeah Wilros, LMB do great things from organising and hosting Weatherstock every year to just be helpful and supportive players. They are amazing with their support for the Fellowship Walk this year with donations and publicity etc. I can’t say enough about how I appreciate that. It certainly makes me proud to be in their kin and a bander
Have fun.
I love LMB. For those that don’t know, John is also a Co-Founder of Middle-earth Network. He is a very busy guy! Hats off to everyone who has supported LMB!
That was one big surprise for me, I certainly did not expect it to happen. Yay for everyone in the kin for all their efforts to get some really nice events to the community. And an even bigger YAY for all the kind folks that thought of us in the voting. It’s a real honor and I want to thank you so very much everyone!
I see this prize also as a reward for Sapience and all the great folks at Turbine who gave us the awesome Weatherstock titles which we gave out to the visitors of this year’s Weatherstock.
Without their work it all would not have been possible.
I am so happy that we have had such an out pouring of support for our Kinship. I do feel we deserve it too! after all the hours we put in to bring great events to the public to enjoy.
The trophy is totally awesome
Hats off to Turbine for supporting our Weatherstock event, and hats off a second time to all those who, week after week make an effort to create a warm and happy place for us all to call home.
Far Apart…
I’m very proud of you guys at Lonely Mountain Band! You’ve been pushing community created events, backing up new bands, achieved the largest player-based event I’ve ever heard/been part of. Really, that’s an impressive feat! I just am disappointed you didn’t get 2 of those prizes. Oh well, I guess I always am hungry after the first breakfast.
I’ll serve you an extra large portion of eggs, bacon and mushrooms!