Fellowship Walk Gamescon Games Pack Auction Item.

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Come join the fun!

Start and Expand with this pack from Gamescon!

This pack has been very kindly donated by Floradine of the Lonely Mountain Band, Landroval Server.


Mithril Edition Starter Pack: 

Lord of the Rings Online: Mithril Edition includes:

  • Exclusive Steed of the Horse-lords’ Mount
    • Travel Middle-earth in style with this exclusive in game mount! Saddle up as early as level 5 and be on your way to adventure much faster than on foot!
  • Path of the Fellowship Bonus Quests
  • Forge your own legend in Middle-earth alongside Aragorn, Legolas, and Gandalf. From the Shire to Rivendell – adventure in a masterful recreation of Middle-earth! Includes the Trollshaws, Eregion, Mines of Moria, and Lothlórien.
  • 2,000 Turbine Points
  • Customize your LOTRO experience with 2,000 points to spend in Middle-earth! Buy cosmetic gear, rare mounts, experience boosts, buffs and more.

Riders of Rohan Heroic Expansion Pack:

Includes Riders of Rohan™ Expansion plus these in-game items that will get you started on your ride to Rohan today.

  • The Steed of the Eastemnet: An exclusive Rohirrim Mount
  • Hauberk of the Eastemnet: An exclusive Rohirrim cosmetic chest piece
  • Friend of the Mark: An exclusive in-game Rohirrim title
  • Evendim, Moria, and Lothlórien Quest Packs: Unlock the content in three iconic regions and get over 650 quests, 10 fellowship instances, and two raids

Journey to the Eastern Plains of Rohan and discover LOTRO’s largest landscape yet – nearly twice as large as Moria! Join with the Rohirrim and ride across the sprawling plains of Rohan; witness the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen; forge alliances with the Ents of Fangorn; and aid Éomer, adopted son of Théoden, as he seeks to protect his homeland from the growing Shadow.

  • Explore the Eastern Plains of Rohan: Raise high your sword to fight for honor and glory in the name of Théoden King! Experience hundreds of new quests, earn new favor, get new gear, achieve new deeds and more!
  • Master Mounted Combat: Ride into combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor. Charge into battle using strategic maneuvers to outflank and defeat your opponents. Stomp, trample, kick, and charge your enemies in all new mounted combat throughout the plains of Rohan.
  • Train Your War-steed: Hailing from a long line of majestic, highly intelligent, and kingly creatures known as the Mearas, War-steeds are faster, stronger, and more trained for battle than normal mounts. Advance your War-steed’s skills over time and customize your mount with unique appearances.
  • Advance to Level 85: Learn what it means to be Rohirrim as you face new challenges throughout the Riddermark on your journey to level 85. Continue your legend as you grow in power with new skills and deeds and get new armor and gear to aid you in the battles to come.
  • Defeat Roving Warbands: Mount your faithful steed and gather your fellows to fight against Warbands. Enemies trained in the arts of cavalry roam the landscape in formation, threatening to destroy the Riddermark and take it for their masters. It falls to you to head off and defeat this new threat before they over take the land.Gamescore.jpg

Riders of Rohan soundtrack:

  • The Riders of Rohan soundtrack features new music from composer Chance Thomas.

Please note: the codes for the expansions will be delivered to the winning bidder’s email.  The soundtrack will be posted to the winning bidder by snail mail.

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