If you’ll think back to when the Bounders Bounty event was released, you’ll remember that there was a promise of fame and fortune for those who contributed the most tokens to the cause. Yesterday, developer EdgeCase released some additional details about what exactly that prominence and popularity entails:
First, there will be a brand new statue in the center of Michel Delving! This statue will be a new, never-before-seen statue built by the Bounders to commemorate how much the Free Peoples helped them during the Bounder’s Bounty. This statue will have a plaque on it, which will forever display the greatest contributors to the cause of the Bounders.
The second way is on the plaque itself. We will show a list of the servers that finished the event first. The first five servers to complete their server goal will be immortalized on this plaque forever!
The final way will also be shown on the plaque. On the plaque will be the names of one character for each person who contributed the most to the event. If you’re one of our biggest contributors, you will have the name of one of your characters emblazoned on this statue forever.
The post contains additional detail about how winners will be contacted, and how the tokens will be tallied across multiple characters.
An everlasting reminder of your time spent grinding away! In all seriousness, in a world where re-spawns are prevalent and nothing is forever, a permanent etching of your deeds is a very nice touch. Since I’ve only turned in about 100 tokens and have no chance of winning, I suppose I’ll just have to keep bartering mine for ‘moors commendations…muhahahaha!
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