Hullo There!
I know some folks are used to travelling really fast in Middle Earth, making the journey through Eriador at walking speed seem quite the daunting trial
But I am here to cure you of your walking speed blues!
I challenge you to spot as many of these creatures as you can while walking from Bag End in Hobbiton to Crickhollow in Buckland.
For all those who have youngsters this also makes a fun reading project
I’d love to hear from anyone who fancies making a check list and seeing how many they spot on the 23rd of September.
Remember to check out this years Fellowship Walk competitions!
For all those coming to Frodo’s party(22nd sept Landroval 2.00pm ST)… See you soon!
Ok, well I am going to make an executive decision here and throwing a whim in. Sorry Andang… but when a whim hits, I just have to go with it.
For all this year’s Fellowship Walk walkers, if you make a list of all the animals you see from Bag End to Crickhollow, send your list to Please put Animal Listing in the subject line. The person with the most animals listed will win a prize.
So what is the prize I hear you asking.
The prize for the most animals spotted is:
1 Chicken Coop (Housing Item)
1 Duck Statue (Housing Item)
5 Gold coins (Money, money, money)
If there is a draw, the prize will be split between the winning entries. Please ensure you read all the rules for this competition listed below. Fellowship Walk 2013 Competition Animal Listing Rules & Disclaimer:
All these rules have been set down and endorsed by the Mayor Will “Flourdumpling” Whitfoot. No amount of bribery or packages of sweetmeats and/or cream scones will change the outcome of the judges decision concerning which is the winning entry.
1. All Fellowship Walk 2013 Competitions begin on the 11th September 2013 and close on the 12th October 2013. No late admissions will be accepted.
2. The prize winning entry will be selected by the judges and announced in a special post on LOTROPlayers on the of 24th of October 2013 and contacted by by email.
3. Only the winner will be contacted personally by LOTROPlayers via email on the 24th October 2013.
4. Prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternatives.
5. Players must comply with all rules to be eligible for the prizes. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
6. This competition is not open to contributors of or any person directly or indirectly involved in the organization or running of the competition, or their direct family members.
7. LOTROPLayers decision is final in every situation including any not covered above and no correspondence will be entered into.
8. LOTROPlayers reserve the right to cancel the competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control.
9. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
10. Disclaimer: We will not pass on your personal details to any other organization. That includes any Dwarven traveling sales folks! Or bothersome data collecting Hobbits
11. All content for all Fellowship Walk competitions has to comply with a PG rating. No R or X-rated content will be accepted.
12. All entries will be posted on the LOTRO Players Website after the winners have been announced. If you do not wish your entry to be published, please advise the judges in your entry email.
13. Only correct in game name of animals will be accepted. If you see a frog, it must listed as it’s correct name of “Pond Frog” and not simply Frog.
Have fun.
Love these vids Lilikate
Yeah Lizzy loves the “read-a-long” aspect. I have some ideas to continue this kind of thing after the walk is finished.
LOTRO Books for children
All hail my frog in the slider! he just looks so cute!