House in the Shire–Daily Screenshots

House in the Shire–Daily Screenshots post thumbnail image

Damari sent in a lovely shot of her home in the Shire.

I happen to love how the beds in the standard houses in the Shire are in the middle of the room.

Thanks for sending this in, Damari!



Daily Screenshots is an interesting picture picked by Spridra that is released every day.  If you have an awesome screenshot send it to me at  Your screenshot could end up on this segment of LotRO Players.  I can’t wait to see what you are able to create!

3 thoughts on “House in the Shire–Daily Screenshots”

  1. So glad to see that this made it up! This was actually the first screenshot I have ever taken on lotro, and I have since learned how to take down the UI. I now have A TON of screenshots on my computer, probably way too many…

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