Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 46

Fellow of Creeps LP PicThis week we are honored to have Braxwolf from LOTRO Players News on to help us fight some Freeps and trees.

This week Braxwolf actually was able to level his Lore Master up to 64!  He also had fun with the Farmer’s Faire.

Shurz has played more LEGO Lord of the Rings and also has written several articles for LOTRO Players.

Spridra has been busy with school but did do some of the Farmer’s Faire.

Aranthier received the first reputation ring and leveled his hunter.

This week I released more Wildermore videos and also pre-ordered the Helm’s Deep expansion.

 LOTRO Players News Episode 12

Pineleaf continues to amaze us with a huge amount of things done in LOTRO this week.  Pineleaf also put out an informative video about pre-order items coming with Helm’s Deep.

This week we did not revive any donations but we would love your support!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!

3 thoughts on “Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 46”

    1. You have no idea how hard it is to convince people that I am bad at the defiler because I am recording a show. I care much more about the show than if we survive. That is a large part of why I am bad at the defiler. The other part is because I actually am bad at healing.

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