Small LOTRO Adventures: Chasing Chickens!

Small LOTRO Adventures: Chasing Chickens! post thumbnail image

Hullo Everybody!


Lizzy’s turn to have fun this week. We wanted to tip our hat the the Farmers Faire as well as following a little of the quest line from the starting areas of The Shire. What we came up with was a tribute to the Chicken! I think it’s safe to assume Lizzy is not caught up in the whirlwind that is the Helms Deep release news. She has started school this week and is fairly tired, as can be heard in the Egg Scramble section. In a few years she’ll be making her own shows! I hope you enjoy this!


6 thoughts on “Small LOTRO Adventures: Chasing Chickens!”

  1. Nice job, Lizzy! Way to collect those chickens and scare off those wolves!

    Two white eggs is basically the best I’ve done on the scramble myself…either always seems to be too crowded, or a lot of bad eggs. Or I’m just being a complainy-pants. 😀

  2. aww that egg scramble is a nightmare! a kin mate suggested using the hotkeys for and – it does make it much easier but still not easy.

    i love playing lotro with my 5 year old – they have such a different outlook on playing it. I was trying to get him to do some quests but he thought that was boring – so we ended up playing hide n seek with the goblins at Thorin’s Hall… it was a very one sided game but fun 😉

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