An Interview with Draculetta – the Fellowship Walk 2013’s Head of Security.

Come join the fun!

Come join the fun!

Although I am the main organiser of the Fellowship Walk this year, I have to say, I could not do this job alone.  Another player who offered to help out was Draculetta and they immediately got the title of Head of Security.  One less thing for me to organise and worry about and I am so grateful to Draculetta for all their efforts to help organise this event this year.


Mysteri: Would you like to introduce yourself?

Draculetta: I am Draculetta, I started playing LOTRO just before it went F2P.  My main server is Meneldor where I created a Kinship with a few friends called Carpathian Mist. I also actively play on Landroval  where I am a member of the Council of the Secret Fire. And on Arkenstone, I am a member of the Academy Kinship.

Mysteri: So how did you get roped into helping with this year’s Fellowship Walk?

Draculetta: I was talking to you, Mysteri, and you mentioned that you were involved in planning the Fellowship Walk this year and I asked if there was anything I could do to help.. and the rest they say is history!Draculetta

Mysteri: So what have I got you doing this year?

Draculetta: My main “job” of the fellowship walk is to organize the security for the walk. I asked my Kinship The Council of The Secret Fire to help out, and they agreed to do so whole heartedly . So we will be making sure all the low levels are safe as we traverse the landscapes of middle earth… I am also going to be help judging a few of the contests.

I have also crafted some the goodies that we will be giving away on a few of my Alt’s.

Mysteri: So what do you think of the Walk now that you have been involved in the planning?

Draculetta: Not being involved in the walk (other than just walking) the past years, I was surprised at the amount of work that goes into planning an event such as this.  Credit to Goldenstar for all her efforts in previous years.   It does seem though that I can be asked to do just about anything, even learn a musical instrument in my efforts to help.

I hope we raise a lot money for the kids and we have a ton fun in the process…

Mysteri:  Thanx for your thoughts Drac, and I look forward to you keeping me alive up in the Trollshaws.  Or at least you better keep me alive 😀


If you want to see Drac keeping me alive, please come on our Fellowship Walk this year.  It promises to be a fun time 🙂

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