A Lesson with Keli Auction Item

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Music Lesson with Keli

Do you pull your hair out trying to convert a midi file to an abc file so that it can be played in Lord of the Rings Online?  If so, don’t go bald but instead, bid on this great lesson from Keli 🙂 The aim will be to take a song of your choice and create an abc file playable in Lotro. Keli will take you through the process from start to finish.

Conditions:Keyboard.jpg 1) Open to players on all servers,

2) Subject to finding an available midi file of the chosen song; alternate songs can be tried,

3) If the winner plays or visits Landroval, the song may be played live in concert.

4) The lesson may be be given via in game chat, voice chat and email, or a combination of all

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