common elements:
eryn ~ wood
glad ~ wood
taur ~ great wood, forest
tawar ~ great wood, forest (also pertains to the material)
Eryn Laer, Lothlórien:
Eryn meaning wood and laer meaning summer or song. Summer Wood or Wood of Song.
Taur Hith, Lothlórien:
Taur meaning forest and hith meaning mist or fog. Forest of Mist.
Taur Ornolf, Trollshaws:
Taur meaning forest and orn meaning large tree. I think olf is from golf meaning branch. Perhaps Forest of large branching trees.
Gladdalf, Trollshaws:
Glad meaning wood and dalf meaning flat field or land (from talf). Wood on flat land (doesn’t sound very poetic so I suspect there is a better translation!)
As a point of interest, Tauriel (who will appear in the 2nd instalment of the The Hobbit) means daughter of the forest (taur ~ forest and iel ~ daughter). Fantastic name for a female elf of Mirkwood – I wish I’d thought of it!
(Translations are from the Appendix: Elements in Quenya and Sindarin, The Silmarillion, J.R. R. Tolkien or Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary. I am not an expert at all – if you see any mistakes please let me know!)
Nice work – ‘ppreciate the Elvish lesson. Beware LI/crafted name titles, the More We Know™!
Finally had the time to visit this post, good job and thanks for keeping us up to date on our Elven