Lilikate Buggins has been my Right Hand go to person throughout this organisation of the Fellowship Walk. Whether to bounce ideas off of, ask for help or just about anything else I have needed. They say, “Behind every great man is a great woman” but in this case, I would say, “Behind a great Mysteri, there is a greater Buggins.”
Here is the interview with Lilikate.
Mysteri: Tell us a bit about yourself:
Lilikate: Hi everyone, I am Lilikate Buggins, a Hobbit from The Shire. I am most famous for travelling very slowly looking at animals. I am a member of the LMB kinship and Andune Band. I have been contributing to LOTRO Players for three months now and have written over fifty articles/vidshows for the site.
Mysteri: How did you become involved in the Fellowship Walk?
Lilikate: I became involved in supporting the fellowship walk after Myst accepted the challenge to be the main organizer. I offered my meagre skills and support and offered to do what was in my power to help make this project a success. I wondered how Shrew Watching was going to fit in with Walking to raise money for Poorly Children around the world.
Mysteri: What have you been doing to make this event a success?
Lilikate: Helping plot the new route with Myst, we have been reading in detail the chapters of the Fellowship of the Ring for travel directions. I have written some trivia quizzes, had a great idea to Salute Pineleaf needles, made a few videos. Helped organised some screenshot/cosmetic competitions.
Made some pipeweed… Probably a few more things but you get the general idea. I also collected personally some prizes to give away.
Mysteri: What are your thoughts on the Walk?
After all the effort I have made personally for this event I hope it is an amazing success. If we manage to get further than Bagshot Row I will be pleased. I would like to see Bilbo in the Halls of Fire by the end of October.
Mysteri: What made you want to help with it?
Lilikate: My eldest daughter has been in and out of hosptials since she was 14 with an auto immune condition, usually for stretches of three weeks on average. It is so dull in hosptials without entertainment. I fully back any efforts to make the sickest and most vulnerable of society have a tiny bit of normal for a short time, or just a small distraction for an hour.
Here you can find my videos:
Fellowship Walk video – Bag End to Rivendell
Fellowship Walk song – Walk the Path.
Small LOTRO Adventures: My vidcast show with my five year old daughter Lizzy where we have fun playing LOTRO together. Latest ep: Chasing Chickens
Fellowship Walk Screenshot Competition
Fellowship Walk Cosmetic Competition
Mysteri: Thanx Lili for the interview. I look forward to seeing you at Frodo’s Party on the 22nd September.
Lilikate is awesome! I remember first meeting her @ the open house the Academy held over on Arkenstone awhile back.
I was so excited to see another hobbit (and a cute lass, at that!) – didn’t have to politely ask to allow me to sneak by to the front so I could see the action on stage.
Three cheers for Lili – hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooooooray!
Hehe I was on my best behaviour Zyngor!
*hugs Lily*