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Helm’s Deep to release November 18th; Pre-purchase announced!

And there we have it! After a long period of silence on this subject, we finally have a solid release date as well as details on the pre-purchase options.

The listed content coming with Helm’s Deep is much the same as the initial announcement:


  • Experience the Battle for Helm’s Deep – Fight to defend Helm’s Deep starting as early as level 10, when your character enlists as a soldier in the Battle of the Hornburg, the most epic conflict yet in The Lord of the Rings Online.  Earn rewards for your contribution to the war effort – win or lose, your skill makes a difference!
  • Explore new landscapes across Western Rohan – Explore the Westemnet of Rohan and rally each of the five ridings as Rohan returns to glory. Traverse the capital of Edoras, mysterious Dunharrow, and the fortress of the Hornburg within Helm’s Deep.
  • Advance from levels 85 to 95 – Experience 10 new levels, from 85 to 95, with new skills and completely updated class specializations. Both mounted and un-mounted combat will challenge you as you war against the evil forces of Saruman.
  • Continue the Epic Story – Encounter beloved characters such as Aragorn, Éowyn, and Éomer. Restore King Théoden to his rightful throne while you defend the peoples of Rohan at Helm’s Deep.


Fortunately there appears to be no controversial claims made this time around, for which I am most relieved. In addition, the pre-purchase options are detailed. Firstly, the basic:


BASE EDITION – $39.99, €35,99, £29.99

Features all Helm’s Deep content, with level cap increase. Also grants these items:

  • Hauberk of the Hammerhand – an exclusive Rohirrim cosmetic chest piece
  • Helm’s Deep Title: Helm’s Enforcer
  • 1000 Turbine points


Same as the Basic Edition of Riders of Rohan before it was reduced. There is no horse listed here(more on that below), but instead offers a chest piece cosmetic.

They also get these for immediate use ingame:


  • Token of Hornburg (+25% Monster XP)

  • The Steed of the Hammerhand – an exclusive Rohirrim Mount


Also unlike Riders of Rohan, this expansion will not offer a three tier system. Instead there is only a ‘Premium Edition’ offering the following:


PREMIUM EDITION – $59.99, €53,99, £44.99

Features all Helm’s Deep content, with level cap increase. This edition also grants these great items:

  • Armour of the Hammerhand – an exclusive full set of Rohirrim cosmetic armour
  • +10 quest log slots
  • Crystal of Remembrance – adds one additional legacy to your legendary weapon
  • Helm’s Deep Title – Helm’s Enforcer
  • Helm’s Deep Title – Helm’s Avenger
  • 2000 Turbine points


The price is in between the Heroic and Legendary Editions for Riders of Rohan, which were 10 dollars either side of it. Interesting to note the +10 quest log slots, as that is one of the items shown in the recently leaked jump to level 50 items.

Finally, purchasing this option will also give you these items for immediate use:


  • Shield of the Hammerhand (Statted Cloak  +25%XP, scales to level of wearer)
  • Exclusive War-steed Bundle (The Steed of the Hammerhand) – an exclusive Rohirrim mount with matching War-Steed appearance


I believe this is the first piece of equipment that boosts XP gain while also possessing stats.

So, what do you guys think about these options? Do you plan to buy one or are you holding off? Let us know below!

14 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep to release November 18th; Pre-purchase announced!”

    1. Can you confirm if the +10 Quest log stats is per character? I’m assuming unless stated otherwise all pre-purchase items are a per character grant (but bound to account)

    1. I won’t be pre-purchasing it; need the money for other things and the bonuses aren’t that appealing to me(fluff stuff).

      Odds are I’ll end up buying it via TP like I did for RoR, avoid spending a penny.

  1. At last they have announced the date! Pre purchase is quite dear for the premium. I would buy this later next year most likely with saved tp. As said the fluff needs to be more appealing for me to buy with money.

  2. Hmm am currently undecided. If I had a rohirrim main, the fluff would be more appealing… But I don’t ;). I’m also unsure about the impact of class changes and whether the big battles will replace the normal instance/raid cluster…

  3. Great write up Shurz! I agree in advance every year with Spridra that we will get each other the expansion for our birthdays.

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