Fellowship Walk Cosmetic Outfit Competition

Come join the fun!

Come join the fun!


Welcome Everyone,

As you are all aware, or hopefully aware, LOTRO Players are organising this year’s Fellowship Walk which is raising money for the international children’s charity, Child’s Play.  As part of this year’s Walk, we have put our heads together and come up with some fun competitions for you to enter and win prizes for. 🙂

Today I would like to announce another Fellowship Walk 2013 competition. We want you to send us shots of your characters in their best Cosmetic Outfits!

We have three categories for this competition: Best Dressed, Worst Dressed and Funniest Outfit.



The winner of this Screenshot competition will receive:  One Steam Game (see below) as well as having your Outfit featured in a post on LOTROPlayers.com

Prize for Best Dressed: Magicka

Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The player assumes the role of a wizard from a sacred order tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer who has thrown the world into turmoil, his foul creations besieging the forces of good.
Players will be able to combine the elements to cast spells, wreaking havoc and devastation on the minions of darkness. They will also be able to team up with friends and fight their way through the campaign, or test their skills in the magickal arts through other challenging modes.
In Magicka, up to four players take on a grand adventure to save their world from certain doom using a fully dynamic spell system. The adventure mode takes the players across three different levels, ranging from the lush forests of mountain valleys to the frozen halls of the Mountain King where wits and creative thinking are the keys to victory.
In the unlockable hardcore challenge mode, players fight off waves of enemies to earn their place on local and online leaderboards. ”

Prize for Worst Dressed: FTL

In FTL you experience the atmosphere of running a spaceship trying to save the galaxy. It’s a dangerous mission, with every encounter presenting a unique challenge with multiple solutions. What will you do if a heavy missile barrage shuts down your shields? Reroute all power to the engines in an attempt to escape, power up additional weapons to blow your enemy out of the sky, or take the fight to them with a boarding party? This “spaceship simulation roguelike-like” allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.

Prize for Funniest Outfit: Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup – Take Storm on a wonderful adventure in his magical teacup. Storm’s brother Cloud has created an amazing dream-like world for you to explore! Solve puzzles, avoid pitfalls and beat the bad guys in this imaginative and unique platformer!


Think Creative

You can get as creative and inventive as you dare…  Let your fashion awareness (or lack of it) shine! You bought that shared wardrobe now put it to work…  You can use any item that can be worn. Or in my case the funniest outfit is my armour!


Please send all your creations to: Fellowshipcompetitions@gmail.com

Include in the subject line “Cosmetics/best/worst/funny” (Please omit any category you have not entered).



LOTROPlayers.com: Fellowship Walk 2013 Competition Rules & Disclaimer:
All these rules have been set down and endorsed by the Mayor Will “Flourdumpling” Whitfoot. No amount of bribery or packages of sweetmeats and/or cream scones will change the outcome of the judges decision concerning the winning entry.
1. All Fellowship Walk 2013 Competitions begin on the 11th September 2013 and close on the 12th October 2013.  No late admissions will be accepted.
2. The prize winning entry will be selected by the judges and announced in a special post on LOTRO Players  on the of  24th of October 2013 and contacted by LOTROPlayers.com by email.
3. Only the winner will be contacted personally by LOTRO Players via email on the 24th October 2013.
4. Prizes must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternatives.
5. Players must comply with all rules to be eligible for the prizes. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
6. This competition is not open to contributors of LOTROPlayers.com  or any person directly or indirectly involved in the organisation or running of the competition, or their direct family members.
7. LOTRO Players decision is final in every situation including any not covered above and no correspondence will be entered into.
8. LOTRO Players reserve the right to cancel the competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in their opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of their control.
9. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
10. Disclaimer: We will not pass on your personal details to any other organisation. That includes any Dwarven travelling sales folks! Or bothersome data collecting Hobbits 🙂
11. All content for all Fellowship Walk competitions has to comply with a PG rating. No R or X-rated content will be accepted.
12. All entries will be posted on the LOTRO Players Website after the winners have been announced.  If you do not wish your entry to be published, please advise the judges in your entry email.
13. Each player may enter one screenshot of their outfit. Players can send one entry for each category. However a single player can only win one prize out of the three categories. Giving LOTRO Players three separate winners for this particular competition.

14. Bare chested Dwarves will be viewed through slightly opened fingers.


Here are a few shots of my outfits:



Lilikate attending the celebrations at the Golden Perch Inn.



Yeah This is Lilikate in full armour, it reminds me of the Perch behind me.



Lilikate the Cowhobbitlass!


Lizzy thought this a far better screenshot!

I look forward to viewing all the entries 🙂

8 thoughts on “Fellowship Walk Cosmetic Outfit Competition”

  1. I am so excited Goldenstar will be one of the judges! I can’t wait to see what people come up with. Good luck to all!

    1. Oh you name dropper!
      I was trying to avoid masses of folks sending her bribes! But yes joining me judging this competition is Fionnuala and Goldenstar!

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