Come join the fun!
Hullo There!
For The Fellowship Walk 2013 we at LOTRO Players wanted to follow as closely as possible Frodo’s path from Bag End to Rivendell. We have spent quite some time applying descriptions from The Fellowship of the Ring (The Novel) to in-game places in LOTRO and think we have mapped the best possible route.
I have created this video for you all to view the route of this years walk. More details of the route will be published shortly.
Credit and thanks to Lithelinea for the musical composition The Princes Lament. This song and others by Lithelinea can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/amcook1971
Thanks for watching!
Now, THAT’s a lot of screenshots! Truly well done. Looks like we’re going to be doing a lot more off-roading this year. I like how we’re taking a classic event and putting a new twist on it. Bravo, Myst and everyone else involved!
Thanks Braxwolf: It warms my heart to get such approval for all our efforts!
Hey there.
Yeah there is a lot more off road this year as that is where Frodo and his party went. We combed the books and the game to look for the landmarks that we could use in the walk so that it was as close as possible to Frodo’s actual walk. Where we couldn’t find any, we did use a bit of creative license but I think overall, Lilikate and I did well with the route.
We have also taken into account that not all walkers will be of a suitable level to walk through areas unchallenged by those meanies that we will no doubt encounter. So, that is why we have a very capable Security Detail headed by Draculetta to escort us through those not so friendly territories
With food, ale and pipeweed a plenty, I hope this will be a most interesting and fun walk for all who care to tag along
Have fun
I am so excited for the walk this year!
Step aside, Google – we got Lilikate Maps on the job! Awesome job, looks like a fun route!
When is the walk?
The Fellowship Walk kicks off on the 22nd of September (this month) with a big party. Donations also open on this day. The first walk is at 7pm server time on the 23rd on Landroval server and starts at Bag End.
Will there be a full schedule posted anywhere?
Good luck with the walk!
Its really interesting as well to watch the video and the route. I send Pashbo off to replicate the journey of Frodo most years over on Gilrain, following Barbara Strachey’s atlas (literally day by day – I’ll be doing it on the Vidcast as a weekly roundup slot), and adding a twist of ‘artistic licence’. When he goes a questing this year I’ll be looking back on this video again. Really good.
Cool. Maybe you can let us know how each of the routes differs? It would be good to know for next year
Have fun
We added a small amount of creative licence but only in areas that didn’t match or had no clear description.
Mave a schedule will be posted before the first event, thanks for your interest.
11 years later, and it’s still brilliant to watch. Nicely done. Would love to see the rest!