Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 45: Black Arrow Special

Fellow of Creeps LP PicIvan has returned to our show this week!  We also had all of the other members so we had a seven person group.  This week is also our black arrow DPS special.

This week I have been doing a lot of work for LOTRO Players, helped with the walk and stayed busy with college.  I also have continued with the Wildermore series.

Ivan returns to the show to tell us that he is going to be gone for a long time to be in the Air Force.  Our thoughts and prayers are with him.

Buster went to Dragon Con and made us all jealous.

Spridra has been busy with school.  She also continued to advance her minstrel.  

Shurz finished his Lore-Master pet series.  He also started another go at the LEGO Lord of the Rings game.

Aranthier continued to play LOTRO this week advancing his Creeps.

Pineleaf created another warden and also skirmished heavily.  He needed more marks as well and so he got buff to gain them quicker.

This week we give a big thanks to Thordsi McElmeel, a Lvl 85 Guardian on the Eldar Server, for his $10 or more donation!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the new donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.

Fellowship of the Creeps is a pre-recorded show but you can join us in game during the recording at 5pm Eastern (server time) on Landroval server.  We create an open group each week that anyone on Landroval can join.  Thanks for watching and see you again next week!

4 thoughts on “Fellowship of the Creeps Episode 45: Black Arrow Special”

  1. Good Luck Ivan!

    Fab show and I really liked the class swap round.
    I am a small fan of the dps classes 🙂

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