Store Sales September 6th – 12th

Store Sales September 6th – 12th post thumbnail image


Free Sample of the Week


Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1

Use Coupon Code SLAY5 1/Account


Lilikate Says:

I love these although I am saving up my boosts for the higher level regions, I just slaughtered 250 Root Crawlers in the Trollshaws, but I’d have used a boost if I thought there may be a free one every now and again 🙂



Store Sales

Stat Tomes 25% Off

295 221

Trolls pounding you into submission? Friends defeated because you can’t heal them fast enough? Then it may be time to upgrade your character’s Agility, Fate, Might, Vitality, or Will stats. Don’t worry, there are many easy ways to upgrade these stats! Level up your character. Get better gear by completing quests, crafting, and using the auction-house. Or use permanent stat boosting tomes that are dropped by enemies or purchased through the LOTRO Store. Food and drinks acquired in-game can also provide temporary boosts to your stats.


Store Location: Character → Stats

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: Nice to see these on sale as they are very popular. I am still not overly enthusiastic about them.



Dusky Nimblefoot Goat 25% Off

995 746

Allows you to summon a trusty Goat to ride throughout Middle-earth!

*Can be used in Moria.
*Travel 62% faster!


Store Location: Travel & Housing → Mounts → Standard

Levels: 5+

Lilikate Says: This goat wasn’t too popular the last time it was on sale, I also think I look silly on a goat!



100% XP Boost (1 Hour) 25% Off

150-600 113-450

Double all Monster kill XP, Quest XP, War-steed XP, and Legendary Item XP for 1 hour! By using this item, players will receive a 100% bonus to experience earned from killing monsters and completing quests.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP

Levels: 10+

Lilikate Says: XP Boosts are nice but I don’t think I would buy one without a specific reason. But Helms Deep is on the way and If you want to be level cap why not use one of these! Double XP on quests and mobs, I also like the Mount and LI XP too!



Also: Steed of Night, Steed of Dagorlad, and Set of the Norcrofts.

Other Sales:





An amazing 141 people voted in last weeks poll! Thank you 🙂  The majority electing to save their points but a few also liked the Crafting Guild Access.

I wonder if this weeks stat tomes and XP sales will have you all excited?


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10 thoughts on “Store Sales September 6th – 12th”

    1. Thanks Andang, I have enjoyed getting to know which sales are popular to which kind of player. Don’t forget to vote in my poll folks!

  1. Free Skill and Slayer is always useful and this week I quickly repped up 30 TP to buy might tome 1 as I had dropped might tome 2 some time ago…and it was taking up space in my vault.
    Not something I think I really need to do but I thought, “What the hell…why not! Lets live a little!” *wonders how much of a difference 20 might makes…

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