Burglar Class Changes Developer Diary

Dev diary pic


Today Tubine released the first diary about class changes for Helm’s Deep about the Burglar.  While there were no major revaluations here, they do seem to be focusing on having all three trees be effective.

One of the pain points I wanted to address with the revamp was how the Trick system didn’t offer very engaging gameplay when compared to the other lines. Tricks now have a shorter durations, with the ability to greatly lower your Trick Removal cooldowns within the traits. In addition, most tricks now deal some damage as well, allowing the Mischief-maker to both debuff and deal damage at the same time. Instead of having a random chance to apply one of four effects, Clever Retort now applies one of the four based on which Trick was consumed.

This is great news that they are actually adding damage to tricks.  I can’t wait to see the actual new skills and how the old ones are improved.  This diary really only told the overall thought behind the class changes and didn’t really delve into the specifics.

What changes do you want to see with your class?  Let us know in the comments below!

16 thoughts on “Burglar Class Changes Developer Diary”

  1. Hmm…. I’ve really enjoyed playing my Burglar over the years. It took me a little while after the last class revamp to really figure it out and I’ve pretty much stayed in The Gambler line exclusively yet I constantly play like a Quiet Knife burglar. So this is interesting…I can’t tell from someone else’s words whether or not the something sounds good or bad or fun…I’ll have to see how it plays.

  2. I’m glad Turbine is giving us Dev Diaries on class changes well in advance of the release of Helm’s Deep, giving us a chance to prepare instead of just getting thrown into the deep to sink or swim.

  3. While I would’ve liked a little more detail, this does provide a good overview of what the three trees will do, as well as giving examples of the abilities and new skills to come.

    I particularly like the emphasis on what you get from putting points into trees you are not dedicated towards. It’s this I think that will allow the most freedom of choice and customisation, letting us make our characters truly unique.

    1. That is a good point. I hope that they get the changes right. It is a big deal and could upset a lot of people if they get it wrong as it sounds like they are changing the way everyone’s classes work.

    2. I guess we will need to see how many points are available to us to branch out with, once we are able to get to the Legendary Traits at the end of the tree we focus on.

      They have gated some skills I would think of as staples to we Scouts behind the trees, like Startling Twist and our Tricks, and Scouts have more battle skills than most any other class.

      It will be interesting to see how things are done for classes with fewer skills. I would think that would effect those classes even more, as a higher percentage of their skills will be gated now.

      1. I definitely agree the total points we have left over will be the deciding factor, as well as how many points you need to invest to get to each layer in a tree. If you can get down to the Legendary trait without having to *fully* deck out that tree, it would leave you with a good few more points to spend in the other trees.

        Theoretically, at least.

  4. Well, I’m waited with baited breath for the Minstrel dev diary. If I can make a healer-specced minnie that also viable playing solo, I’ll be extremely happy. I’m able to do that in SWTOR and I love it to death.

    1. I think the idea is that you’ll be able to easily switch between two alternate builds, just by spending silver. (Or even more than two, if you unlock slots with TP.) So you’d make one for soloing / DPS-ing, and another for healing in groups.

      But currently a minnie already has 25+ skills at level 25ish, and with this revamp it sounds like you’ll be stuck with only around 20 available skills even at level cap. So you will be less versatile overall, and not able to switch between decent DPS and decent healing just by toggling War Speech.

      1. Correction… I think you won’t need to spend silver to switch between your two builds, just if you want to reset and change a build.

  5. What I need to see from these changes before I can give it my stamp of approval (not that anyone cares) is which skills are tied to trees and which are not. It sounds like tricks are in the MM tree, but are all of them? Details like that are what I’m waiting for, since it doesn’t sound like they’re changing the roles much, judging from the burglar so far.

    1. “Heartening Prank increases Maximum Morale, while Trick: Dust in the Eyes, Trick: Counter Defence and Startling Twist are available early enough to be easily incorporated into the other builds. ”

      So we know those two are, for sure. Counter Defense would fit the Quiet Knife line more than Disable, so I am sure that one is as well. The same for Enrage.

      1. Nothing is really for sure until release but it is good to know that there is a high chance of getting those two.

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