Landroval Needs Hobbit Wardens!
For some years now there has been one Hobbit who has been at the fore-front of all that is Skirmish related.
Pineleaf Needles has written articles, recorded videos and podcasts. All to help LOTRO Players navigate the perils of Tuckborough, Gondamon, Amon Sul ect… Not to mention very good advice about Skirmish Lieutenants and Encounters.
Also under this hobbity belt is a generous amount of community service, live streaming and recording the Pre Concert Series and Weatherstock 2013.
To celebrate this remarkable Hobbit, I have taken it upon myself to organise on Landroval, a 21 Spear Salute (or just plain salute) on the 23rd of September at 7.00pm(ST). I would like to gather as many hobbit wardens as possible (I do not restrict myself to 21) to line up either side of the path outside Bag End.
I would ask everyone to wear a special “Pineleaf Needles” outfit for this occasion.
If you can make your way to Trestlebridge and purchase a Watchers Hauberk and dye it olive that would be fantastic. If you can’t, send Lilikate or Pinelily on Landroval a letter and I will send a small package of one dyed uniform, to you, free of charge.
When the sign is given (this will be either Pineleaf or Pinelily executing a “Battle Preparation”) all Wardens are asked to /Salute Pineleaf as she walks along the path to begin the start of the Fellowship Walk 2013.
We would have liked to have raised our spears but the nearest matching emote, animation or action we found are at levels 20 and 24. So we have decided to ask everyone to /salute as this will look super cool in screenshots. As well as being accessible to all Wardens from level 5 to level 85
After the /salute we can relax and /cheer or emote as we all would like
Don’t forget you can /shortcut (1-9) /salute to have a salute button on your quickslots.
Please if you have a Hobbit Warden or can create one in Pineleaf’s honour I would be thrilled. I have created Pinelily with her hair in a classic Pineleaf bun. Here she is in her Watchers Hauberk dyed Olive, what a cutie!
Pinelily looks forward to giving three cheers for Miss Needles so everyone have your hurrahs/hurrays/oorahs at the ready! /cheer is also acceptable
I can’t wait to see this!
That’s going to be too many non-bearded shortpeople in one place. Might start the apocalypse. Be careful!
You can impersonate a Hobbit Warden, just say you have been drinking tree potions and everyone will believe your a taller hairier hobbit!
I’ll bet I could make a hobbit warden on Landroval by that time – probably won’t get him past level 6 though
Hey there
Pinemyst is all ready to go. Now just hope I have the internet
Have fun
Pinestro is ready for service! Hope I can make it for that time!
Thanks to all of you who have offered your Spears! Jestro let me know if you need a Watchers Hauberk.
I already sent my lvl 15 cappy to Trestlebridge to get one and dyed it Olive. Is there any restriction with regard to cloaks, hats etc?
Also, can you confirm, is that 7pm EST? I’m on GMT so want to be sure I can figure the correct time
The first leg of the walk is at 7pm est. GMT midnight and GMT+1 (me) 1.00am.
All other walks are held on Saturdays at 2.00pm (est) 8.00pm GMT.
How far we walk depends on the funds we raise.
Of course, I meant GMT +1 as haven’t put the clocks back yet!
Can non hobbits spectate as well
As to accessories, it’s up to you! As we may have lag issues we may want to turn them off. But I have no preference and seeing variety I think would be cool.
Non Hobbits? All are welcome to the walk and are encouraged to join us!
As for the salute in particular, (which is at the very start of the walk) all are welcome to spectate.
If there is space and the tall folk stand behind the small folk I can’t see a problem with everyong joining in, but I did want a row of Hobbit Wardens starting the two rows outside bag end. If it is possible.
OK thanks…I think ‘weather permitting’ – read wife n kids, my cappy can come along for the walk and will be a happy spectator for the hobbit warden ceremony!
Great stuff